Bad Stream (February 2, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 1, first was French. We had a substitute and had to write the diagnostic writing sample thing, I wrote about cubes.

Next was physics, we talked about impulses and stuff.

For socials we talked more about books and how the banning of books or just certain books can really control a population.

In Calculus, we were solving inéquations with 2 cases of things, where one's positive and the other is negative.

Then in physics part 2, we did exercises and stuff.

When I got home, I streamed cubing for 1 hour and 40 minutes, I had a really bad time. I felt okay through the day but streaming really sucked that away for some reason, Just not a lot of people and my lack of energy I think made it so even fewer people stuck around and I just felt useless. I then switched to geodash but ended that after only about 30 minutes, stopping because literally nobody apart Maxie was there.

I talked with Maxie afterwards who helped me feel better, my amazing boy 🥺🥺💙

After supper, we watched a movie called I'm a genie or something, it was kinda xheisgnsnssvv

This is where I fell asleep last night x3 I wanted to say that the movie was kinda good, kinda odd x3 it was also sorta a christmas movie?

But then Maxie and I talked and watched the second last episode of The Promised Neverland!! It was great :3 I love Maxie :3 mwah :3 💙💙

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