Grad Pics & Diploma Results (February 15, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 4, first was a French double. We did some reading, and then a reading comprehension which I got 5/8 on which felt really bad-

Next was socials, since it's Thursday we had the substitute and just continued the source analysis. Around this time, the English and math diploma exam results came in... I got 70% for English writing and 91% on reading, for a total exam result of 81%. I'm alright with that. But math, I only got 88%. I knew I had one question wrong, but I thought I was confident with all the others. I'm really disappointed in myself.

Then I had a calculus double, during which I had my photos appointment. So L and I walked over and got our photos, since I didn't pay for the full session, it was just 2 photos. You couldn't even see my pants or shoes, it was the gown over me, and because of my glasses I had to be positioned weirdly to avoid glare. After the photos were taken, the photographer showed them and my hair was all flat and my smile looked so disingenuous D: But it's okay, just photos ^^

When I got back to calculus, we played spoons!! It was my first time playing, and it was really fun x3 3 plastic spoons broke, and Raph threw himself over the tables at one point 😭 Now I finally understand why Mom is banned from playing this game x3

When I got home, I streamed for 1 hour and 25 minutes, I didn't really have a good time. More of the same odd feeling, I ended pretty early because just Dad and I ate, and he was hungry x3 I raided dreim_

After supper, I talked with Maxie!! 💙💙 We talked about boundaries and stuff, which is amazing that xe trusts me and communicated xirs wants!! That makes me really happy :3 I love my boy so much, I hope xe's comfortable ^^ 😽😽💙💙

I also uploaded the solves of my PR pyra average, which was a really short video ^^

It is now 12:45 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

My Day-To-Day Life (4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin