Phasmophobia (May 18, 2024)

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I woke up at 11:30 AM ish on my own

I edited the OLL video down a little more.

I streamed cubing for 2.5 hours, having an alright time! I was solving and all that good stuff. Then I went into phasmophobia for the first time! I got through the tutorial, played a first game with Amy, then played more with her and viewers! It was really cool, I didn't find it too terribly scary but it was fun ^^ I raided Silky_Sexy.

For supper we had some pupusas that Abuelo dropped off apparently, they were good!

Afterwards, I edited more and then worked on my French project even more. I actually finished it which was relieving! I can go to sleep on peace (except socials I still gotta do that project due like 3 weeks ago 😭)

It is now 3:55 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

My Day-To-Day Life (4)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora