Chapter 25

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A/N: Sorry for not updating, I got food poisoning so I didn't feel like doing anything besides trying not to throw up, anyway..I'm back and have sworn of chicken nuggets for at least 4 months...and on with the story. (Please like and comment) love you all! Xx.

Natasha Romanoff

The darkness acted as my cover, with the trees perfect for varying vantage points. Clint and I were just over the hill from Ivan and his goon's hide-out. It looks almost exactly like I remember it. Barbed wire fence, circling around widely. Keeping out intruders and keeping in the unloyal types. There were about eight smaller tents built around a centre point, a big tent that had seen better days. I quickly put my hand on Clint's leg to get his attention. When he looks at me, I signal for him to stay put. Slowly I creep further forward, remembering where there had been small traps. Sensor lights, beams that can only be seen under torch light that immediately send a signal to everyone in camp when interfered with and other riggings that could kill someone by sending a bullet straight through their skull. I stepped over one light beam that I could just see, nearing the closest tent. I crouched and looked back up towards Clint. Once I knew he was alright, I creeped closer in towards the tents. I was stopped at the barbed wire fence. Knowing full well from experience that I wouldn't be getting over it with my hair down, I quickly grabbed an elastic and put it in a pony tail. I really need to get it cut shorter it's just impractical for my business. After quickly repositioning my holster, I put one hand on the fence, in between barbs of course, and push it down a little, just enough for me to get over it. My feet silently hit the ground, and I immediately leap towards the cover of the first tent. I grab for my gun and hold it up towards the sky. My eyes quickly flick towards Clint. I hope he's able to get away. Just as I'm about to do the most reckless thing I've ever done in my life, Clint's blue eyes connect with mine. They are filled with confusion for a few moments, as if he is questioning why I am so close if it's only a scouting mission, but then he leans back on his haunches and wipes his hand over his mouth, his eyes now filled with...yes I believe that it's fear being reflected in his eyes. I peel my eyes off his and look to the stars, searching for my favorite constellation. The archer.
Finally ready to face Ivan, I stand up, and walk straight into the camp as if I belong. Which technically I do. The first person that sees me is dead before he can even raise alarm. No point in him raising alarm anyway, I pretty much yelled out to come and get me by firing my gun. In moments, men have dropped their beers and stopped their card games to welcome the new action. A chance to kill me.
I duck under one guys arms as he tries to get me in a choke hold, kicking him in the process.
He squeals and reaches for his...well his nuts. I smirk and shoot the next guy in his shoulder, as he staggers backwards he takes out another comrade accidentally. I roll forward to avoid getting shot in the face, because frankly I'm sick of actually getting hit. So now it's my turn. As I swing my leg around a fat...well slightly drunk fat guys "neck" I grab my second gun. Three more of Ivan's goons fall, blood coloring the ground. As I prepare myself to launch into my thigh death grip, I feel something cold on my back, in between my shoulders.
"My, my Natalia, you are getting weaker everyday. I'm quite surprised you can even aim." I grit my teeth, Ivan's voice is just so irritating.
"My, my Ivan, is it that hard to find good help these days?" I kick the face of the fat guy as he tries to stand. Not caring about the gun trained to my back, I kneel down and grab the face of the fat guy, holding it off the ground with two of my fingers.
"I mean really, I thought you were on the bigger side but sheesh..I'm sorry to say you've been beaten Ivan." I stand again, wiping my hand on my leg. I turn to face Ivan.
"And are you really gonna keep that? It looks like some kind of caterpillar is trying to chew your face off..yes? Oh okay." I say in reference to the mustache that seems to be getting bushier every day, with what seems to be some kind of maggot crawling through the strands of hair.
He smiles, and I catch sight of his ever yellowing-teeth.
"I see you have been influenced by that American scum."
Ivan stretches his wrist before aiming at my head.
"No matter, by killing you I'll leave that sarcastic American scum to my men. Have you heard the rumour that the blood of scum like him is actually not red in fact it is-"
"Oh come on. That's not fair, she can't help what colour blood she has. But I'm willing to test your theory." Clint's arrow hits Ivan in the shoulder, he has already let another one loose that knocks Ivan's gun out of his hand before anyone had even considered a new threat. Ivan falls to the ground as I kick him in the head before taking out another two of his men.
Clint leans closer to Ivan as he shoots three more arrows without looking, each hitting its mark.
"Nope. Theory is completely busted. Scum's blood is actually red." Says Clint, holding an arrow over Ivan's heart with one hand, and inspecting the wound he created in his shoulder.
"Or would you call that maroon? Geez you have got to lay off the alcohol." Says Clint.
I fire at a black-haired midget, the bullet hits him in the stomach. He falls on his side, another one of Ivan's men comes towards me, he seems to be the last one around. I aim at his skull and pull the trigger. The gun clicks, and no bullet comes out. Dang I'm empty. I quickly raise the other gun to fire but an arrow is through the man's neck before I have a chance to pull the trigger. His fingers curl just before he hits the dirt. I turn back towards Clint and Ivan.
"Dude, I don't speak Russian. If you want to effectively curse me to hurt my feelings, do it in English."
I smirk as Ivan proceeds to curse at Clint in English.
"I'm hurt. Truly." Clint mockingly puts a hand over his heart.
I drop my empty gun on the ground and grab my knife. Clint moves over slightly as I move to put the knife at Ivan's throat.
"Where did you put them? The enhancers."
"Oh wouldn't you love to know." Ivan chuckles, before stopping to try to grab my knife.
"I wouldn't try that." I push the knife harder against his Adam's apple.
"It may sound cheesy..but I won't talk. There's no point. How many days has it been since you've had your precious little drug? 10? 12? 14? You won't last till the morning."
I blink away the sudden dizziness and snarl at him. He winces, the knife sends lightning pains through his body for every breath or word he says.
"I will last longer than I did last time. I am stronger now." I say.
"Oh Natalia, how thick you are. Earthly attachments do not make you stronger." His snake eyes move to Clint, who is cleaning his arrows whilst listening.
"Well hello ugly." Clint says as he realizes that Ivan is staring at him.
"Have you told him yet Natalia? About what happened last time you were attached to someone, all those years ago. Poor guy." Ivan says, looking back at me. I look at the dirt.
"No? Well yes I was wondering why someone would stay by you. Even when they are so...dim." Ivan shifts his weight, trying to inch away from my knife. My eyes snap back towards his and I hold the knife more firmly.
"That was years ago." I snap.
"Yes. Before the last phase of your training, obviously." He smirks and grabs my wrist tightly.
"Do you remember the way his eyes stopped shining, how they glazed over as his body fell to the ground? Remember the way his blood was warm against your skin Natalia, and how the knife made your knuckles white as you gripped it so hard. Not only remember his murder but remember those who you murdered before him. You will never forget what you did Natalia. It will haunt you. But by all means, keep this earthly attachment." He drops his hand from my wrist.
"It will only hurt you more than him. Even if you leave him dying on a tiled floor. Remember your hate Natalia-"
I flick my wrist forward, slicing through his skin, and severing the connection his head has to his body. I pull my knife back and drop it beside me. I begin to tremble as I stare at the decapitated head of Ivan, his eyes glazing over.
"My name is Natasha."

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