Chapter 5

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"Barton. Agent Barton. Clint. Wake up Clint!"
Clint could feel his handler shaking him.
"You know, not many people would attempt to wake a man that could kill you with his bare hands." He muttered, eyes still closed.
"Romanova is on the move."
His eyes darted open.
"How long ago did she move?"
"30 minutes. She blew up the hotel." Coulson ran his fingers through his hair.
"How many dead?" Clint was hesitant, he didn't really want to know the answer.
Grabbing his bag, he made his way towards the door. He paused.
"Where's she headed?"
"Agent Barton has been alerted of your destination. You are to kill the low-life to get his attention. Get him on the rooftops or in an alleyway. Do whatever it takes to rid the world of his presence. If you fail, make sure he kills you. There shall be no refuge for you here."
Natalia was sick of her trainers. They were all Russian and most could only speak in Russian. This was one of the rare occasions she actually had contact with them during a mission.
They always knew where she was though. When she was little, they had embedded her with a tracker in her arm. It was almost impossible to go rogue. No one has ever left the Red Room alive.
"This will be our last contact before his or your death. Do not fail us...Black Widow."
He said her code name in disgust. Like it was venom on the tongue. Because of her last missions failing, she was being treated like dirt. She had already been beaten and reset. Failure is taken seriously in her organization. She can't fail again.

Natalia ripped the com link from her ear and dropped it on the ground. She then crushed it underfoot.
She wanted the American to find her. This was a trail for him to follow.
"Let's see what he thinks of that" she mumbled, walking towards the airport.
Next stop, Budapest.
"Should I go straight to the airport or look around first?"
The static through the com link changed into words.
"Take a look around first. Budapest may be a false trail. She could still be here." Said Agent Coulson
"Okay then."
"Oh and Barton?"
"Don't die."
"Overprotective mother." He muttered under his breath.
"What was that?"
Coulson scoffed,
"Lying, death-wished, trigger happy two-year-old." Coulson muttered back.
"Yeah, yeah. Love you too Phil."
Clint turned off the com link.

"Where would a spider hide?" He asked himself.
"Some place dark....maybe an alleyway?"Clint second-guessed himself.
"Why do people always hide or fight in alleyways?"
He shook his head.
"Damn movies ruined this business."
'Alleyways...ha! Ridiculous.'
As he stepped again, he felt something give way under his foot, releasing a slight crumbling sound.
It was a crushed com link. The cover name for KGB was imprinted on what used to be the side.
"Red Room.."
Clint leant down to retrieve the device. Small wires hung out the sides.
'Surely she hasn't gone rogue...she wouldn't leave this lying around. She's The Black Widow for crying out loud. Unless...she wanted it to be found....'
Clint came to the conclusion that Natalia Romanova had a complex, twisted mind.

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