Hidden Lies

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Now uploaded: chapter 1 of my new Clintasha story "Hidden Lies"

Here is the story's summary:

Budapest. The start of the butterfly effect. The rock in the pond, forming the ripples.
Budapest started a chain of events, that has lead to this moment.

Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton.

Strike Team Delta. The spy and the agent.
The fighters. The assassins. The lovers.

When a new enemy threatens the survival of the pair, what lengths will they go to survive?
And to keep each other out of harm of their own enemies, what will they do to hide their love for each other?

Convince the others that they have a family?
Or convince the others that they love another?

Their lives revolve around lies.

But these lies must be hidden.
To protect themselves...and each other.

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