Chapter 11

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"Coulson come in." Barton was currently on a rooftop that overlooked the man-hole.
"Barton? What's wrong?"
"You know how no one's been able to catch the infamous Black Widow because she just disappears into thin air?"
"Please tell me you've got her."
"I could do that...but you don't like me lying so I won't."
"So she's just disappeared?"
"Just like that?"
"Just like that."
"No trail?"
"No trail."
"Dammit!" Coulson swore under his breath.
"Are you absolutely sure there's no trail?"
"Positive." Replied Barton.
"How the hell did she accomplish that? She's fricken injured!"
"Plus she's got no where to go. Oh and she's being tracked at this very moment." Barton watched the figures appear from the very tunnel he had been in a few moments ago.
"What? By who?"
"She's gone rogue....well she had no choice, I believe she was kicked out of her organization or something and now they're trying to kill her. They might be fearing her going against them completely."
"So she's being tracked by us, past organizations and some guy named Ivan?"
"Yes, geez Phil, keep up."
"Seems like you've got some competition Barton." Coulson ignored the former comment.
"Yeah well, I'm just glad I'm not her. She's gonna have a hell of a time staying alive."
"So what's your new plan of action?"
"Well I've been thinking...surely the KGB would have embedded her with some sort of tracker, so I could just follow them as they follow her. I'll let them do all the work."
"Okay, just as long as it ends mission successful."
"Looks like they're moving. I better get going."
Barton's hand hovered over the com-link, just about to turn it off when he smirked and added,
"Love you Phil!" And to make it even more awkward for his handler, he added 'kissing noises.'
"Of all the agents to get stuck with!"
Coulson turned off the connection, leaving Cling Barton alone once more.

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