Chapter 7

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Clint had been hiding in the shadows as he watched the black widow take out each officer with ease. He had stayed perfectly still as the last officer ran. Only when he saw a tall man covered in tattoos, advance on the widow with a gun in his hand, did his breathing hitch.
"You are outnumbered now, little Natalia."
Clint watched as every person in the bar took out a gun from their hiding places. He saw Romanov stiffen. Judging by her actions, Clint guessed that she knew these people.
He studied her face.
'Is that...fear?'
"Took you a while to find me, Ivan. Did you need to gather your army before you came after me? Were you scared I would remember exactly what you did to me?"
Natalia turned and aimed her gun at his heart.
"Well I do remember. I remember everything you bastard!"
She started yelling a string of Russian curses at the man.
Ivan smirked.
"But little Natalia, I didn't even get to do what I wanted to. You don't remember everything of anything. You don't even remember what your real name is. I tried a lot more than I got away with little Natalia. If I had succeeded, you wouldn't be here today."
He tilted his head to the side with a menacing grin.
"Are you angry little Natalia?"
"I'm not little anymore. I can and will kill you. You know this of course, why else would you bring this bombardment of buffoons that you like to call an army."
"You see, my dear little Natalia, this isn't just, this-"
He swept his hand around the room.
"-this, is just a small, very small, proportion of those who want to kill you. They all knew someone who died at your hand.....or thighs." Ivan smirked again.
Natalia felt uneasy under his gaze but didn't let it show.
"And I promised them all a bullet to your body. But mine the first."
Ivan grabbed his gun and put it against her shoulder.
Natalia glanced at the gun before grabbing his wrist and twisting it until she heard a satisfying snap. Before he hit the ground from the impact of her foot to his face, Natalia turned and ran.
The sound of 100 guns going off filled the night.

Men fell as their comrades weapons striked them by mistake.
Instead of hitting the red head fleeing, many bullets lodged into the limbs and necks of the unlucky men standing in the way.
33 more bodies to add to her ledger, even if it wasn't truly her fault.

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