Chapter 8

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Barton turned on his com-link. He had fled the bar from the back window and was making his way silently down the street.
"Barton. Report." His handler's voice sounded in his ear.
"It was a trap from the beginning. This guy named Ivan had gathered some...Black Widow haters. They were all ugly, all armed and all angry."
There was a pause before Coulson talked again.
"Status on Romanov."
"...Unknown. Each man fired at her as she made an escape. I don't know if she was hit. Knowing her record, she's still alive but most likely injured. Not even the infamous Black Widow could dodge that many bullets."

'She's still human after all.'

"There will be police all over the place. Once the scene dies down, get in their and pick up the trail. If she's injured, she'll be vulnerable, now's the time to strike."
"And if she's not injured?" Questioned Barton.
"Good luck. Oh and...don't die. I'm starting to like you."
A click sounded. The com-link was turned off at Coulson's end.

Clint assumed Ivan and what was left of his 'gang' must have cleared out the bodies, for the scene had already died down.
Police had been present because of the sound of gun shots. They obviously hadn't found any bodies otherwise the place would be swarming with reporters.
His fingers came in contact with the cold pavement. There was the smallest drop of dried blood. He stood up from crouched position and carefully eyed the rest of the ground. There was a faint trail of blood, heading towards the rear of the building. Someone had attempted to scrub off the blood but it looks as though they were rushed.
Clint silently walked in the direction of the trail.
His keen senses helped him out in the field, but sometimes they were a burden. Like now.
The smell made his eyes water. He knew what lay in that dumpster, slowly decomposing.
The blood trail now made sense. Dragging bodies of men that have been shot will ultimately result in some sort of trail no matter the attempts of covering it up.
The smell would not be noticeable for others for a couple more days, but with the police still snooping, it wouldn't be long until the bodies were found. He had to get moving before they are discovered or his already hard mission will become more complex. Sure, he could flash his SHIELD I.D but that would raise some questions and this mission is supposed to be kept under the radar.
He backed away from the dumpster and ventured to the front once more. The last he'd seen of the black widow, was her red hair whipping around the corner as she was shot at.
Clint recalled her running left.

Pulling his hoodie over his head and putting his sunglasses on, he began his search with one hand on his hidden gun.

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