Chapter Two: Honour among thieves (Benji)

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Vivian and Cullen head to the back as Benji heads to the front. Benji stops in a bush just out of sight from the guards. I'll have to change my clothes if I want to do this right. He thought to himself.

He took off his hood and jacket that covered his body, and stole one of the fancy ones that the guests were wearing. It was a little big, but it felt amazing, so soft and colourful.

The jacket was and the tearful lost child look was on. Benji walked over to the closet guard he could and tagged gently at his sleeve.

"Sir, I-i'm sorry, b-b-but I lost my family, and I, I can't find them, can you help me please?"

The guard faced Benji, who, at this point, looked like he had been crying for hours. Snot dripped from his nose as tears poured from his eyes. The guard was shocked and didn't know what to do.

"Uhmm, that's no good. Where did you last see them?"

Benji begins to stutter and mumble as the other guards start to gather around him. Just then he sees little shadows on the outside walls of the huge house. That must be them he thought.

"I think I last saw them inside." Benji tells the guards.

The guards start taking Benji inside leaving a very noticeable amount less guards than before.

Benji looked around, there were so many people in one place. They were all dressed in such weird and fancy clothing, some were even wearing masks but not like the ones that Benji and the others wore, these ones were shiny and some even looked like animals.

There was such a variety of different people here, it was weird seeing such different people back at their village.

Benji remembered Cullen telling about the people here, that they were all here for something, nothing good either. He wondered what he meant by that, every one of these people are here for the same thing. What was it?

"Alright, what does your family look like?"

Benji was so busy looking around that he forgot what had been happening, he stopped walking and looked at the guards. The tears had dried up and his eyes were wider than they had ever been.

"Uhmm, wait I think I see them. Thank you so much sir."

Benji rushed off into the crowd, Cullen said they wouldn't take long. He was starting to worry. Alright he thought to himself, Cullen and Vivian should be done soon. I just have to keep out of harm's way until then.

Benji saw a little corner with a table and two chairs. No one had been sitting there and most people were partying in other areas in the house. Benji rushed over and took a seat, he scanned the floor where most people were gathered.

As he watched he got more and more disgusted with all the people here, most were filling their guts with drinks and then were getting dragged away from acting out of order. Other people were giggling as they were being pulled by men and women to different smaller rooms.

"Disgusting isn't it? Look at them, drinking their very few problems away."

A voice appeared as if from thin air, Benji turned to where the voice came from to see a man. He stood with such power and right, dressed up in a suit and his small pointed glasses that stayed at the end of his nose.

"Yes sir, it's gross, that's why I'm sitting over here."

A small chuckle came from the man's mouth. He took off his coat, placed it carefully on the chair and sat down.

"Well, you have good taste and reasoning, young man. To be honest, I'm only here for the same reason."

As he sat down and waved a waiter over and started to order, Benji heard him order something like; Wine and some embellishments he asked for.

Benji didn't want to draw any unwanted attention, he kept his head and his breathing low.

"Such a quiet young man, most people your age would cause all forms of mischief. Talking about that, how old are you?"

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