Character Fifteen: Honour among thieves (Cullen)

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Twigs snap under Cullen's and Yuri's feet as they walk back towards the city of light. The smoke could be smelled from the still slightly burning building. As they got closer to the city they could hear the voices from the gate. The gate was open, it seemed to be that they were letting people in again.

"Should we just walk through?" Quietly asked Yuri

"I think I can." Replied Cullen confidently.

Cullen led the way towards the gate with Yuri close behind, they walked with a crowd of other people to blend in. As they tried to slip into the city the others in front of them were asked for some ID.

"Cullen what should we do? I do have an ID." Yuri asked worried

Cullen shushed her and they continued to try to walk in, and they also most did when someone grabbed them from behind. Two men stood behind them, both dressed in red coats with red hats. One stood tall with white hair and the other was a little short with dark brown hair.

"What do you think you're doing?" Asked the white haired man

Cullen looked the man dead in his eyes and then let the light come back to his eyes, he turned to face him and pulled Yuri slowly behind him.

"We are just travellers, we want to rest here for a while. We don't have an ID, I'm sorry sir." Cullen said calmly

The soldier was ready to say something when the dark haired one stepped in front, and pushed him gently back and talked quietly to him.

The white haired man showed no emotion on his face as he looked down on Cullen and Yuri. He looked back to his other half and showed a small smile.

"Oh well then, let us help you young man." He said

Cullen forced a convincing smile out and followed the men to an inn. The dark haired man walked over to the man running the inn and showed something, Cullen couldn't really see. He walked back and they sat down at one of the tables.

"I've paid for 2 days, will that be enough?" Kindly asked the darked haired man.

Cullen nodded and looked at the other man who was looking out the window at the burning building. He looked back to Cullen and Cullen looked away to see Yuri, who was quietly looking down, not talking, barely breathing.

"I wonder what happened out there?" Cullen asked naively

"That's what me and my partner are here to find out. My name is Amir and this is Vito." Said Amir

Vito looked at Amir, with the same anger he's had in his eyes that he's had the whole time. Vito shifted in his seat and went back to looking out the window.

"Well I think we should be going, we should find our room." Cullen said politely

"Yes, you should be going..." Vito said, still glaring out the window.

Cullen grabbed Yuri and pulled her to follow him. They walked away up the stair of the inn and to the room that Amir got them.

The door opened with a creek, Cullen and Yuri stepped into the dusty room and placed themselves on the bed that was in the middle of the room.

"It was nice of them to get this room, what do you think Cullen?" Yuri asks

"Mhmm, I'm not sure, I don't think we know that whole story. That Vito knows something about the building." Cullen said, looking up at the roof.

"Well, then we should find your family quickly!" Yuri said, trying to make Cullen feel better.

Cullen slightly jolted at the word family, they weren't family, he repeated to himself, I can't forget them.

The night came quickly, Cullen slept on the hardwood floor while Yuri got the bed. Cullen wasn't completely asleep, he couldn't get V and Benji out of his head. He was laying there, listening to the busy sounds from the still open inn. As Cullen listened the sounds slowly got quieter, he listened closer to the rooms outside theirs but everyone out there was silenced. He sat up and looked at the door and then back at Yuri. He could hear steps coming up the door, he got up and woke Yuri up.

"Yuri, something is wrong. Wake up..." Cullen tried to say quietly.

Yuri woke up quickly and sat up from the bed and looked at Cullen. Cullen went to the door and pressed his ear up to it, he could hear two sets of footsteps coming towards the door. They didn't sound heavy, he listened as they got closer and closer. They stopped just outside their door, Cullen waited for something. Pressing his face closer to the door. BANG! Someone kicked in the door from behind, slamming it into Cullen's face, pushing him back.

"Amir, you grab the boy!" said a familiar voice

Cullen tried to get up and to look around but blood dripped from his head, he reached for Yuri and fell to the floor.

"Cullen!" Yuri yelled

Yuri jumped in front of Amir, who was just about to grab Cullen. Vito grabbed her by her collar and threw her backwards.

"Don't get in our way girl. We wouldn't want anything to happen." Vito told Yuri

Vito looked at Yuri with an evil glint in his eye as he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

Cullen slightly opened his eyes again, he couldn't move, his head felt like it was going to explode. He looked over at Yuri, and in between them was Vito.

"Please don't hurt him, we didn't do anything wrong." Yuri said with tears in her eyes.

Vito walked over to Cullen with his knife pointed in his hand.

"You think you didn't do anything wrong? You don't even know what you did, do you girl!" Vito grabbed Cullen by the throat and pressed the knife up to it.

Yuri looked away from him, she grabbed her side and showed blood.

"W-wait... please... sh-she's hurt..." Cullen reached out for Yuri.

With that a slash of a blade came down and blood sprayed over the wall. With one slash of Vito's blade and Yuri's head came clean off.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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