Character Eleven: Honour among thieves (Benji)

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The rattling of wheels filled Benji's mind. He could hear people talking right next to him but he wasn't able to make it out. He tried to move his arm but he was tied to something, he continued to try to move but he didn't have enough strength, he lost his consciousness.

When he woke up, he was laying down in the medial bed. Where I'm I? Wondered Benji. He tried to look around and there was something wrong with one of his eyes, everything seemed blurry and it hurt to focus. Benji heard footsteps coming, he rushed out and tried to find a way to get out. He spotted the window, it was slightly open, Benji opened it up and looked around. He was on the third floor of a building clearly made for medical purposes.

"If you jump out you won't survive. But don't let that stop you, go ahead." A voice spoke to Benji.

Benji turned to see who it was, as he turned he saw Ramon. He was standing behind the man who actually talked to him, you blinked and he wasn't there but the shock of seeing him sent Benji into a state. He couldn't breathe, there was something wrong, this had never happened before.

"Sheesh I'm not that bad looking!" Said the man.

Benji couldn't help it, everytime he tried to breathe it was like there wasn't anything going on. He kept trying but just couldn't.

The man walks over and slaps him. It hurt, really bad, but Benji could breathe.

"No need for drama, kid. I'm not going to hurt you unless you do something stupid. My name is Alex, what is yours?" Alex smiled but his eyes looked dead, like there was no light in them.

"Where I'm I?" Benji asked angrily.

"You already know that. The better question would be why?" Alex hands him a mirror.

Benji takes a look at the mirror and drops it, shattering it. His face is burnt in a strip up his face went over his left eye, He looks down at his arm and hand and sees that it too has been burnt.

Benji goes to touch his face and feels the ripped skin that used to be smooth, it felt like it was on fire. He was in a lot of pain and was almost half blind.

"What the hell happened to me?" Banji asked horrified

"That for you to answer." Alex scuffed

Benji sat down and started thinking about what had happened and how he got there, then he remembered the box. He looked around the room and saw the box sitting on the table. He went to get up and get it but Alex pulled a gun out and aimed on Benji.

"I can't let you touch Chaus's domain." Alex's smile had disappeared and his eyes were more dead than before.

Benji didn't want to move but he needed to get that box back before someone else got there before him.

"What is Chaus's domain?" Asked Benji.

Alex looked Benji up and down, before sighing and putting his gun away.

"You really don't know do you?" Alex replied.

Benji shook his head.

"It's the devil's prison..." 

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