Character Eight: Honour among thieves (Benji)

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Smoke and ash filled Benji's lungs, every breath felt like a fire inside. He could barely see, the air was almost black. His head was spinning and his arm felt like it was going to melt off, what even happened? Benji wondered.

Benji pulled and twisted until the ropes were loose enough to pull one of his hands out. As he pulls one of his hands he rushes to get the other one out and rises to his feet.

He remembered that the main door was at the back of the room and started heading in that direction. The smoke hurt his eyes as he walked through it, like walking through fire, thought Benji.

Once he was close enough to see the door, he saw that rumble had fallen onto it.

"What do I do now?" Benji asked with teary eyes.

"Wh-y... why have you done this... to me?" A small and weak appeared behind him.

Benji turned his head to see Ramon crushed under some more fallen rubble, as well as a shadowy figure that stood in front of him. He watches as Ramon reaches his hand out for the strange shape.

The figure pulls out a knife from seemingly nowhere and puts it through his chest.

"Ahhh Ahhh! We had a deal!" Ramon says through the pain.

The creature bends down and gets up right in front of his face, and shows that same grin with the dark energy that Ramon had before.

"You made a deal with a Monster and got what is to be suspected." the figure whispered

And with that, the shadowy figure disappeared leaving a pool of what looked like black water or blood behind.

I need to get out of here, thought Benji. He looked back at the rumble covering the door and saw a small gap, if Benji moved some of the pieces he might just be able to slip out.

Slowly Benji began moving bits of wall and roof away from the door, trying to make sure that it wouldn't fall down. Finally he moved just enough and started climbing up to get the hole, but just as he reached the hole a glimmer caught his eye. He looked and he saw that it was the box, just sitting there unharmed and upright. Something told Benji to grab the box, something deep inside him.

Benji rushed over quickly to grab the box but as he got closer he heard voices, they sounded weird like they were talking through water. As the voices got louder his head started to hurt, his eyes and ears were bleeding.

Benji covered his eyes as he grew closer to the box, what is this, Benji asked himself. He felt like his eyes were going to burst, he could barely see, but something kept telling Benji that if he closed the box then everything would stop.

Benji kept pushing and pushing, then you leaped over and closed the box, the voice slowly disappeared and then they were gone. Blood dripped from Benji's eyes and ears, his whole body felt like he was going to die.

He picked up the box and wrapped it around himself with some rope and then headed outside.

He pushed himself through the grab in the rubble and got through to the outside. Once he got outside he saw what had become of it, fire and smoke filled the air even more then inside, and there were people rushing everywhere.

"Halt! This is the police! Get down on your knees and put your hands on your head!" An angry voice yelled, pulling Benji's attention away from the chaos.

Benji did as he was told but as he went to lean down his arm felt like it was on fire. He looked to see that his arm had been burnt to the point where you could almost see the bones underneath.

It must have happened before but Benji knew that this must have happened before but he only really felt the pain more, it was so bad that when he went to lean his arm out and he hit the ground.

"We have wounded here! Bring a medic!" 

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