25: Valentine's Day Special

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As Valentine's Day arrived, the couple made plans for their second vlog, intending to start recording once Jennie had seen the kids off to school. They also looked forward to a dinner date, arranged strategically by their parents who wanted their children to celebrate Valentine's Day with them, providing Jennie and Lisa with a cherished opportunity for some alone time together.

Lisa is now preparing their kids' snacks for school with Jennie who's already feeding Luke and also helping her.

They stopped on their track when they heard footsteps heading to the kitchen and they saw Ella who skipped into the kitchen with a bright smile on her face.

"Goodmorning dada! Goodmorning mommy! Goodmorning Luke!" She greeted cheerfully and gave them a hug.

"Goodmorning to you too young lady, you seem energetic huh" Lisa chuckled.

"Is it because it's Valentine's Day?" Jennie asked as she fed Luke with his cereal. Ella just smiled cheekily, and Lisa helped her climb the stool next to Luke.

"Mommy, Dada! Can we go to the store later before we head to school?" Ella exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Jennie and Lisa exchanged amused glances before Lisa spoke, "Of course, sweetheart. Why do you want to go to the store?"

Ella's grin widened as she revealed her little secret, "I want to buy chocolates for Iseul!"

Jennie's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and she couldn't help but tease, "Chocolates, huh? Why do you want to buy chocolates for Iseul, Ella?"

Ella blushed slightly but answered confidently, "Well, because Iseul is my girlfriend, and I want to give her chocolates to make her happy."

Lisa couldn't hold back her laughter any longer, "That's sweet, Ella. We can definitely go to the store and get some chocolates for Iseul."

Jennie frowned and exchanged a worried glance with Lisa, her concern evident in her voice. "Girlfriend? Ella, you're only eight years old. Are you sure about this?"

Ella nodded; her conviction unwavering. "Yes, I'm sure, Dada. Iseul said she likes chocolates, and I want to show her that I care."

Lisa placed a comforting hand on Jennie's arm, her eyes urging understanding. "Jennie, let her be. It's just a sweet gesture. They're kids, it's innocent."

Jennie sighed, torn between her protective instincts and the desire to respect her daughter's feelings. "But it just seems too... grown-up for her age. I don't think she understands what it means to have a girlfriend."

Lisa squeezed Jennie's hand reassuringly. "Maybe not, but let's support her and guide her through it. It's a part of growing up, and she'll learn along the way."

Reluctantly, Jennie nodded, conceding to Lisa's wisdom. "Okay, but I still don't feel comfortable with it. We need to keep an eye on her and make sure she understands what she's getting into."

As they headed to the store before heading to school, Jennie couldn't shake the suspicion gnawing at her. In the aisle of the chocolate section, she leaned over to Lisa and whispered, "Is it just me, or does this feel like a mini version of our own love story?"

Lisa chuckled while playing with Luke's hair who's on Jennie's arms while she's holding Limario, "Well, young love knows no age. Let her enjoy it while it lasts."

"How about you, Lim? Aren't you going to get some?" Lisa asked, glancing down at Lim.

"Uh... Can I get that heart-shaped chocolate?" Lim pointed to a nearby heart-shaped chocolate.

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