26: My Melody

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As the early morning sunlight filtered through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow across the room, Lisa moved around preparing snacks for their three children. Ella, Limario, and Luke would soon be awake and get ready for school, and she wanted to ensure they had a nutritious start to their day.

Meanwhile, Jennie sat on a kitchen stool, cradling their twins in her strong arms at the same time. She gently rocked them back and forth, humming a soothing melody as she watched her wife work. Despite the early hour, there was a sense of calmness in the kitchen, a quiet moment of tranquility before the hustle and bustle of the day began.

As Lisa sliced fruit and packed sandwiches into lunch boxes, Jennie glanced over at her with a soft smile. "You're amazing, you know that?" she said, her voice filled with admiration.

Lisa looked up; her cheeks tinted pink with a blush. "Aw, thanks, Nini," she replied, her heart warmed by Jennie's praise. "But I couldn't do it without you helping with the twins."

Jennie grinned, leaning in to press a kiss to Lisa's lips. "Teamwork, remember? We make a pretty great team."

With their snacks prepared and the twins' content in Jennie's arms, Lisa and Jennie shared a moment of quiet companionship, savoring the simple joy of being together as a family. And as the sun continued to rise, casting its golden light upon their kitchen, they knew that no matter what the day may bring, they would face it together, united in love and devotion.

As their children began to stir from their slumber, Ella was the first to awaken. After she finished her morning routine, her eyes brighten with excitement as she clutched her beloved My Melody phone case in her tiny hands. It was gifted to her by her Aunt Jisoo, but since she doesn't have a phone yet; she thought it would look great with her Dada's phone since she always borrows Jennie's. With a wide grin, she toddled over to where her parents are, her little feet pitter-pattering against the kitchen floor.

"Dada, can I use this starting today?" Ella asked, holding up the phone case for Jennie to see.

Jennie's heart melted at the sight of her daughter's hopeful expression. Despite her typically strong and stoic demeanor, she couldn't resist the adorable request from her precious princess. With a soft chuckle, she reached out to take the phone case from Ella's grasp.

"Of course, sweetheart," Jennie replied, her voice tender as she ruffled Ella's hair affectionately. "But be careful with it, okay?"

Ella nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with joy as she watched her Dada attach the My Melody phone case to her device. Lisa, who had been observing the interaction with a fond smile, couldn't help but laugh at the scene unfolding before her.

"Looks like you've got a soft spot for our little princess, your phone case looks cute" Lisa teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Jennie rolled her eyes playfully, but there was a hint of warmth in her expression as she glanced at Ella. "I just can't say no," she replied teasingly, though her tone was filled with love.

As their children gathered around the kitchen table, eagerly devouring the snacks prepared by Lisa, Jennie couldn't help but feel grateful for the precious moments they shared as a family. And as she watched Ella proudly show off her My Melody phone case to her siblings, she knew that no matter what challenges they faced, their love would always be the strongest bond of all.

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