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My morning routine flows nicely. My mum decides to make an appearance finally. 

'Morning birthday girl. How does it feel to be 18' She wears a huge smile, giving her the pity I throw one back at her, it is my birthday of course. 

'Morning mumma. I feel old...' She's cooking something on the stove.

Waffles, my favourite. Every birthday she makes them for me somehow. Once they're done she grabs a plate and slides it to me. She's made a smiley face out of whipped cream with blueberries for eyes. I like feeling childish in this moment.

She gestures to the front room once my waffle had been wolfed down and I follow her. My eyes widen to see a small heap of presents on the sofa and a big 18 balloon. I walk over and hug her. She actually got me something. What the hell.

I rip open the first present and a green knit jumper falls into my lap. It's so cute. I instantly slip it over my head and thank her, moving onto the next. The next one is a new clear phone case. Mine is turning brown (canon event) so it was due a refurb. 

The next few are essential items like a new Vaseline and some new rings, then I get to the final gift which she had set aside until last. It's quite a small present, it fits in the palm of my hand. I peel it open carefully and slide the object into my other hand. 

A car key?

I look up at my mum, a confused look on my face. I have a car? She is on her last legs but I can fix her up...

With what money though, I think to myself

I look down at the key and up at my mum over and over again until my mum beams at me.

'I know you've been needing a new one. I remembered your little obsession from a few years ago. Go look outside' My mum smiles hard at my reaction.

I leap up and unlock the front door to see a gorgeous dark blue Camaro sitting on the driveway. I squeal with delight as I turn and squeeze my mum tightly, thanking her over and over again. This car has been my dream since I was 13. Dark blue 1969 Chevrolet Camaro.

I unlock the car by inserting the key in the door. I love old cars. I sit in the drivers seat and start the engine. The car is perfect I could cry. I get out and hug my mum one last time.

'Happy birthday, Lily.' She makes a face.

'My little girl is 18.' 

I cringe at her and she laughs, handing me my bag from the floor.

'You're gonna be late for school now, hurry up.'

I wave goodbye and sit back in the car, plugging my phone into the aux wire.

I start some music and excitedly get the car started, reversing out of the driveway quickly. I ring Bella on the way, who starts the phone call by shrieking some out of tune version of happy birthday at me. I laugh at her antics and she agrees to a lift. I speed down to her house, my hands turning white from gripping the steering wheel.

I spot her on the pavement and pull up in front. She takes her sunglasses away from her eyes for a second and looks at the car, mouth open.


'Get in loser' I quote mean girls, of course.

She gets in and squeals at the soft interior.

'This car is so you. I'm so happy you finally got your dream ride...apart from Mis-' I slam a hand over her mouth and start the car again, drowning out her giggles with my music. She turns the music down and looks at me.

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