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I let myself stay up last night, I texted Mels until she fell asleep and then proceeded to send endless vlogs to my best friend about my day. She screamed with joy when I told her about my antics. I didn't tell her about the kiss.

I can't stop thinking about it.

I've been away from her for so many hours her scent no longer lingers on my body or around me, I find myself searching for the jumper she had washed for me. I slide it on and I'm instantly at peace. Inhaling the fabric all my thoughts about her flood in at once, I remember her body tight between my legs as her hands explored my hair and her tongue explored my mouth. 

I crave her touch and her taste. The way her lips tasted so sweet without any reason, the way our lips fit so perfectly together and our hands like magnets, connected. 

I ache to feel her hair slip through my fingers again, to listen to that gentle gasp on repeat. 

I need her.

These thoughts have to stop. It's only a day. I see her tomorrow. 

My mum is nowhere to be seen, so I take over the front room as usual. I quickly dig into the cupboard to find a bag of salted popcorn. Obviously the best flavour...

I park myself down onto the sofa and switch the TV on.

I sit here for hours on end just watching TaraYummy, she's my muse. After a while I get myself dressed and clean and decide to take a trip to the shop to grab some sweet treats. When I reach the door to get my coat, the doorbell goes.

I swing the door open super fast, not peeping through the glass to check who's stood behind. 

I'm met with the person I've been daydreaming about. She stands on my doorstep, for the second time this week, her blonde hair whipping around in the wind. She's clutching a plastic bag and she wears a sneaky smile.

She barges into my house and removes her shoes, surprised, I close the door behind her and follow her.

'Melissa?' I ask incredulously.

'The one and only' She comes over and kisses my cheek, then pulls open her bag, revealing dozens of sweets. 

She then slides over to the sink in her pink socks and grabs a bowl from the above cabinet.

She knows her way around my kitchen already.

The blonde rips open all her sweet packets and pours them all in at once.

'Candy salad' She simply states, popping a sour worm in her mouth

'What on earth are you doing here?' I ask, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

'I came to visit, I missed you I guess' She shrugs

'What about work...' I raise an eyebrow

'The kids I was teaching have a trip, free day!' She exclaims and turns to face me, now placing her arms around my waist. I bury my nose into her shoulder and inhale her scent, my heart warms. 

We stand and sway for a while, just holding eachother. Eventually she gets fidgety and pulls away, gripping her 'candy salad' and shuffles towards the sofa. I follow close behind and we sit together, my arms around her and her head on my shoulder. She flicks through Netflix to find a movie for us to watch. She chooses something called 'Bloomington' which she had to download using Prime. We start to watch it and I realise slowly what it's about. 

A teacher student romance, how coincidental. 

Melissa starts to get bored after about an hour and starts poking and playing with my hair. She makes me turn to look at her while she fiddles around, I can't help but stare at her lips.

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