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(still Melissa's POV)

I pull into the stoned driveway alongside Sandys white polo and quickly adjust my hair in the car window before hopping out and pressing the doorbell. The door swings open and I'm met with my best friends huge grin. She holds a glass containing some weird green liquid, (probably alcohol) and wraps her arms around me.

'Hey sexy' She growls playfully

I hug her tightly and say hello as she fiddles with the hem of my dress.

'You look so good in that you're gonna have so many girls wanting a piece of you'

I roll my eyes and laugh at her antics as she drags me to the kitchen where the rest of my girls sit.

They all leap up at the sight of me and I'm squished in a huddle of them within seconds.

'Hi Liss' Taz sings, reaching over the table to hand me a green drink. I take one sip and nearly choke and fucking die before we've even made it to the club.

'What the fuck is in this' I sputter

'Vodka, lime juice, lemon juice and soda water!' Kerri proudly explains her creation.

'Lethal' I comment, then downing the entire cup.

'We'll leave in like 20 minutes yeah? The uber is booked' Kathryn shows us her screen showing the uber page. We all nod in agreement and fall easily into conversation about our lives.

My phone buzzes a few times in my lap and I slyly check the messages. All are from Hazel, who's telling me all about her job as a yoga instructor. No wonder she's got such a banging bod. I reply to her, my messages full of flirtatious comments and realise slowly that the room has gone silent, and all my friends are staring at me stifling their laughter.

'Who is she Liss?' Sandy peers over my shoulder.

'Errr no one' I push the phone to my chest, knowing what's about to happen.

Sandy nods at Taz who sticks her fingers in my sides, making me jump. I squeal like a child as she tickles me into releasing the death grip on my phone and it falls into Sandys hand. They high five eachother as Kath and Kerri piss themselves laughing. Traitors.

'Ooooh, Hazel the irresponsible dog owner' Sandy teases.

'Oh shut your trap Sandra' I try my best to hide my laughter.

'Tell us about her then, you're smiling at her messages like a science geek with a microscope' Kerri pokes me.

'Her dog darted in front of me on my run and she came to collect her, that's our entire story' I leave out the flirting and the hand holding.

'Hmmmmm okay sugar. Because that definitely was everything that happened...She's calling you babe and the flirting is enough to make a closeted lesbian come out' Sandy peeks over her glasses at me.

I give into their intrigued stares and tell them everything.

They all listen intently like children being read a story at the library as I waffle on.

'She's really made a first impression on you Liss' Kathryn smiles, amused.

'Okay that's enough! Oh golly look at the time! Uber is here any second! Off we go ladies grab your tits and bits!' I jump out of the seat and drink the remains of my cocktail, snatching my phone away from a very smug Tazmin.

Sandy locks her door and we stand on the drive as our Uber pulls up. Each of us slip in and babble excitedly about the night ahead of us.

We get to the all familiar bar in 15 minutes and acknowledge our favourite bouncer at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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