xv. | screwdriver phobia

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Disclaimer; I think you get it now.

Home; Part Two

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" -Bellamy Blake

EMERY STARED AT MISSOURI, HER EYES wide. Of course, Yellow Eyes was evil, but the way Missouri said it made shivers run down her spine. And not the good kind.

"So, you think something's back in that house?" Missouri then asked.

Sam nodded, "Definitely."

"I don't- I don't understand," Missouri said. Emery did. Yellow Eyes being there was like a siren to the supernatural. Something was bound to come to that house at some point.

"What?" Sam then wondered as Missouri seemed anxious.

"I haven't been back inside, but I've been keeping an eye on the place. It's been quiet. No sudden deaths, no freak accidents. Why is it acting up now?" Missouri wondered aloud.

Cause of Sam.

Emery wanted to slap her subconscious. But she couldn't deny the vibe that she felt coming off of Sam at that moment. It was strange because it seemed dark, but Sam somehow made it light. Probably because he was the better one of the brothers.

"I don't know, but dad going missing and Jessica dying and now this house, all happening at once, it just feels like something's starting," Sam explained, looking at Missouri.

Missouri was looking at Emery shocked. The brunette almost forgot the psychic could read minds.

"That's a comforting thought," Dean said. Always with the comic relief.

Emery suddenly perked up and looked around. Dean and Sam gave her a weird look, while Missouri gave her a knowing one.

"Em, what is it?" Dean asked.

Emery looked at him and smiled. Before she turned to Missouri.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I think I have a call to make," Emery said and she stood up.

She made her way by Dean's knees and through the front door. She didn't even go for her phone and she started running down the street. Until she came to the big, black truck she knew to well.

John's truck.

The man was climbing out of it when Emery walked up, her face contorted with anger. John whipped around in time to see the petite brunette coming, but she shoved him with all her might, sending him stumbling back a few steps.

"You prick," she spat at him. "Leaving your sons."

"Emery, you know why, don't you," John mumbled, as Emery swung a punch. His hand caught her fist, holding the girls attention. "You know about the demon, what it was. You also know about Sam."

"Nothing's wrong with Sam!" Emery protested. She struggled to get her fist out of John's grip, but he was still too strong.

"Don't lie to me, Emery," the man grumbled, letting go of her hand. "Climb in, we obviously have a lot to talk about."


Emery watched the boys through John's window as they knocked on Jenny's house door. They decided to go to show Missouri the house, hence why the psychic was with them.

"So, how is the hunt going so far?" Emery decided to break the silence. It felt suffocating in the black truck.

"I think I'm getting close," John mumbled. "I've been tracking it, as you know. Looking for omens, weird stuff to let me know where that son of a bitch might be."

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