xxii. | all she remembers

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Disclaimer; I don't own spn.

Devil's Trap; Part Two

and now the last chapter of season one.

"If you ain't scared, you ain't human." -The Maze Runner.

SAM LET OUT A CHUCKLE, EMERY smiling along with him. At least John was okay. That's all that matters.

"Hey, Dad, are you okay?" Dean asked, leaning over his father.

"They've been drugging me. Where's the Colt?" John asked.

So all he really cares about was the Colt?

"Don't worry, Dad, it's safe," Sam reassured, nodding his head.

Dean got to cutting him loose, John mumbling 'good boys.'

They were hauling John out, him being held up by Sam and Dean, Emery leading, when suddenly the door was slammed open. And in walked a firefighter with black eyes, followed by another man.

"Go back, go back," Emery shrieked, Sam and Dean haphazardly turning around. Emery closed the door, locking it just before an axe was slammed through it.

With wide eyes, Emery grabbed the salt and lined the door shakily as the axe was chopping through the door. Wood chips were flying and Emery screamed at the boys to go.

Dean was shouting at her to go, so she threw him the bag, before climbing out onto the fire escape. Emery salted the window sill too, for extra measures.

Once off the fire escape, successfully getting John down, Emery went to scout ahead. She walked past a parked van, Sam and Dean still holding John up, when she was tackled to the ground.

She got a look at the male demon before she felt her cheek get punched. And they kept coming. Each time, the back of her head smacked the cement as he delivered punch after punch.

"Em!" She faintly heard Dean yell, before her head hit the pavement again.

She faintly saw Dean kick the demon in the face, before he was sent flying. Then, another punch was delivered to her face.

Emery could feel the blood coming from her nose and mouth, but still she grunted as he punched. Until suddenly, there was a gunshot, the weight falling off of her torso.

"Em, come on, come on," She felt Dean pick her up by the jacket, but she just weakly whimpered.

Dean got her to her feet and she stared at the ground weakly. She realized she didn't have magic healing powers awhile ago. A.K.A, when John shot her and it was still bleeding after the fight they had. And plus, the bruise that was still around her neck.

"Sam, come on, we gotta get out of here!" Emery heard, before she was swept off her feet, her head rolling to the side.

Emery felt pathetic. She was too weak to keep her own head up and that made her feel like she was a baby.


Later, after she got some rest and got her strength back thanks to a trip in the Impala, she was drinking water in the cabin, getting patched up by Dean as Sam salted any entrance/exit.

When she was all finished, which only took like ten minutes, Dean went to go check on John. Emery picked up a container of salt, before she started helping Sam.

About fifteen minutes later, Dean walked out of the room, wiping his hands on a towel. Emery was resting while having another glass of water, while Sam was anxiously sitting beside her, bouncing his knee up and down.

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