xxiv. | goodbye

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Disclaimer; I don't own spn.

In My Time of Dying

"You know, when you were a kid, I'd come home from a hunt. And after what I'd seen, I'd be wrecked. And you, you'd come up to me and you'd put your hand on my shoulder and you'd look me in they eye and you'd say, 'it's okay, Dad.' Dean. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to say that to me. I should've been saying that to you. You know, I put too much on your shoulders. I made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sammy, you took care of me. You did that. And you didn't complain, not once. I just want you to know, that I am so proud of you." -John Winchester

EMERY GASPED, HER BODY SHOOTING FORWARD as she sat up. There were tubes connected to her and there was a machine beeping beside her, but she paid no attention to it.

Dean. All she wanted to know was if Dean was okay.

Weakly, the brunette got out of bed, yelping as she stepped on her foot. It must have been crushed in the crash because it hurt like a bitch. Ignoring the pain, Emery took slow, painful steps toward the door.

Once out in the hallway, she looked to the left then the right, before she limped to the left. As she slowly made her way down the hallway, her face contorted in pain, she looked into each room. Emery saw John in one of them, sleeping or unconscious, so she knew she had to be close.

She saw him, laying in bed, tubes and machines all around him. Emery took a step towards him, before somebody grabbed her arms. The hunter was forced down into a wheelchair by a nurse, who turned her around to take her back to her room.

Emery couldn't hear anything the nurse was saying, her ears ringing. Dean was dying. She wasn't an idiot, she could tell.

He was barely hanging on.


It was a couple days later when she was allowed to actually get up from her bed, though, she had to use crutches. Emery's face was still bruised and cut from their fight and her body was broken, but she got out better than Dean.

She sat at his side most days and Sam would usually join her. Or, he would sit and wait for John to wake up, the older man still unconscious.

Honestly, Emery didn't know the extent of damage the car crash did to the four hunters, but it was obviously a lot.

The brunette could barely sleep. Not without picturing those yellow eyes, hurting her, Sam, and Dean. The doctor said she had been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and should go to counselling to help with it.

She could only eat a little bit too before her body would reject the food and make her throw up. The doctors had told her a long complicate response, saying that something had happened to her stomach and she wouldn't be able eat a lot of food until it heals properly.

Emery thought it was because hospital food was only a little bit gross.

The doctors also told her they got the bullet out of her lung. They asked her how she got one in her and she came up with a lie. It was simple and easy.

They couldn't know the truth about what was lurking in the dark. And she could feel that a reaper was in the hospital. It was obviously leading souls to the afterlife, whether it'd be heaven or hell, she didn't know.

It was only natural for it to be here.

Emery's only wish was that it didn't take Dean.

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