xxvi. | two words: f*** that

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Disclaimer; I don't own spn. I wish I owned jensen. Because two words. The booty.

Everybody Loves a Clown; Part One

"Son of a Bitch!" -said every hero/heroine

EMERY WAS BESIDE DEAN AS THEY watched John's corpse burn. It had been emotional for all of them, since John was a father to all of them. But it hit Dean the hardest.

He hand never hugged Emery's as tightly as he did that day. Either did Sam, for that matter.

Emery had to watch for a week as Dean and Sam almost avoid each other like the plague. The girl had to admit she was avoiding them too.

Dean was snappy and Sam was emotional. Not a good combination. Sure, she sometimes sat in silence with Dean when he worked on the Impala, drinking a beer and listening to the classic rock.

Right now, she was watching from Bobby's house as Dean and Sam fought. It was an hour or two later before both Sam and Dean came in, telling her to get her stuff together.

They were piled into an old mini van, one that reminded Emery of soccer moms. It was actually very clean inside, however, and Emery didn't mind sitting in the backseat. It was easier to ignore the tension between the boys back there.

Emery didn't look at the sign or anything when they got out of the van. She was only happy to be out of the damned van.

"This is frickin' humiliating! I feel like a soccer mom!" Dean stated.

"You and me both and I'm not even driving!" Emery stated as she looked around.

The place seemed... familiar.

"It was the only car Bobby had running," Sam stated.

Sam proceeded to walk around the run down building and Emery realized it was a bar. It was totally a bar. That didn't seem to be open.

"Hey," Dean called to Sam. "Did you bring the, uh..."

"Course," Sam stated, throwing Dean the lock-picking tools. Emery shielded him, though she doubted he needed it. They were in the middle of nowhere.

Once Dean got it unlocked, and they took a step in, Emery looked around. "I feel like we're in a bad joke. Three hunters walk into a bar... I wonder what the catchphrase is?"

As soon as Emery noticed the person sleeping on the pool table, she knew where she was. The brunette took a seat at the bar as Dean and Sam went to go explore.

Sam went behind the bar and Emery smiled as she saw the familiar blonde girl place a rifle to Dean's small of back.

Jo didn't even notice the brunette and Emery just kept smirking. She knew this place was familiar. She came here when she was chasing leads on her parents.

"Oh god, please let that be a rifle," Dean stated.

Jo loaded the gun. "No, I'm just real happy to see you." Dean put his hands up. "Don't move."

"Not moving, copy that." Dean sent Emery a smirk over his right shoulder. "You know, you should know something, Miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back. It makes it real easy to do..." Dean spun around, taking the rifle and unloading it. "That."

Emery giggled when Jo punched him in the face, taking the rifle back. The blonde looked toward her and smile came to her face. Dean called for Sam as Emery stood up. She was guessing the younger Winchester had ran into Ellen.

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