xxvii. | i hate carnivals

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Disclaimer; I own Dean... I mean, I don't own supernatural. If I did... Well... The brothers wouldn't fight as much. Because holy crap.

Everybody Loves A Clown; Part Two

"Do you wanna know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down." -Sam Winchester.

THE THREE WALKED INTO A TENT where a guy was throwing knives into a target. He was wearing sunglasses and Emery assumed that he was blind. However, something felt off about him...

Dean walked closer to him as the guy picked up more knives, throwing them into the middle of the wooden target that was hanging on the wall.

"Excuse me, we're looking for a Mr. Cooper, have you seen him around?" Dean questioned.

Emery almost face palmed. Dean, you are one stupid son of a bitch.

The hand that the guy was about to use to throw a knife was dropped to his side as he turned to look in the general direction of Dean. "What? Is that some kind of joke?"

Dean gave him a confused look. When the guy pulled off his sunglasses to show his eyes, the light grey without a pupil, Dean realized his mistake. "Oh, God, I'm sorry."

"You think I wouldn't give my eyeteeth to see Mr. Cooper, or a sunset, or anything at all."

"Wanna give me a little help here?" Dean asked, throwing the question back at Sam and Emery.

"Not really," Sam stated. Dean turned to Emery, looking over his other shoulder.

"Nope, you got yourself into this mess, you get yourself out," Emery stated.

"Hey, Barry, is there a problem?" A man asked from behind them and the three turned around. Standing in the doorway was a small man with a glittery cape on.

"Yeah, this guy hates blind people," Barry stated.

Dean whipped around faster than Emery had ever seen in her life.

"No, I don't, I-"

"Hey, Buddy, what's your problem?" The shorter man asked, waving his hand in a 'c'mon!' kind of gesture.

"Nothing, it's just a little misunderstanding."

This time, Emery did face palm. The sound was covered up, however, when the little guy said, quite loudly, "'Little'? You son of a bitch."

"No, no no no no!" Dean was getting stonewalled and it was actually quite hilarious. "I'm just- Can somebody tell me where Mr. Cooper is?" Dean glanced towards Barry. "Please."


After a nice chat with Mr. Cooper, Emery was shown the regulations on how to run a ride. Now, she was sitting, bored, wearing this stupid red jacket in really hot weather and listening to kids and teenagers scream as they rode the ride.

As she sat bored, a boy around nineteen walked up onto the platform, as the ride had just finished. Emery got up, letting the people out, before looking back at the line.

"You can go ahead of me," the nineteen year old said, looking at Emery with a smirk and a glint in his eye.

Oh, shit.

Once the two people behind him were strapped in, Emery returned to the controls for the ride, counted three seconds, before she started it up again.

Tragedy ° DEAN WINCHESTEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora