xxviii. | mind control or something

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Disclaimer; I don't own spn. You'd actually get to see Jensen and Jared's bare butts then (oops?)

Simon Said; Part One

"Live long and prosper." -Spock

AFTER MEETING A CRAZY VAMPIRE HUNTER and watching Dean beat the crap outta him, also going to Mary's grave and finding a case there, Emery was tired. So, when Dean brought a crazy looking Sam to the Impala, she cursed under her breath.

"Why can't we ever have a day or two off?" The girl grumbled under her breath. Dean obviously heard her because he rolled his eyes. But, then they were off in Baby.

Emery wasn't listening to the conversation, staring out the window, tapping her fingers to the beat of the old rock song. Until it was abruptly turned off.

"Hey!" She protested and turned to the front. Sam sent her a look, before turning back to Dean.

"What's there to think about?" Sam asked.

"The rock music I want to listen too!" Emery stated, a glare set on her face. She was ignored, however. Damn you, you Winchesters.

"I just don't know going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea!" Dean said, his eyes flickering around the road.

"Dean, this is another premonition. I know it. This is gonna happen and Ash can tell us where," Sam stated.

Emery suddenly shifted awkwardly in her seat. Truth be told, she was hoping to avoid the Roadhouse. Only because it was getting sufficiently awkward between her and Jo. While the brunette casted longing looks at Dean, she felt the blonde casting longing looks at her.

And, Dean was looking absolutely attractive right now, so Emery doubted she could keep her eyes off of him.

"Plus, it could have some connection with the demon! My visions always do!"

"That's my point! There's gonna be hunters there, I don't know if- if- if going in and announcing you're some supernatural freak with a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?!"

"So, I'm a freak now?"

"If you're a freak, what am I?" Emery muttered under her breath. Nobody heard her, however.

"You've always been a freak," Dean stated, clapping his hand on Sam's knee.

When they got to the Roadhouse, the bar was practically full. Emery stared awkwardly at all the hunters she had seen before, waving at a few friendlier ones.

She walked in further, her eyes widening, before she avoided Jo. The blonde gave her a saddened look as Emery want to the bar. It was still sufficiently awkward and she felt bad about the kiss. She didn't regret it. Emery only regretted leading the girl on.

"Hey, Gram, could I get some tequila?" Emery asked, smiling at the man in front of her. He was a part time bartender for Ellen and Emery had grown on him.

"Em, is that you?"

"Sure is," they leaned over the counter, hugging each other, before Gram planted a kiss on her cheek. "Now, where is my tequila?"

"Coming right up," Gram smiled. A minute later, Emery was downing the shot.

And then, she walked to Ash's back room, watching as the boys knocked on the door with the sign that said, Dr. Badass is: and a sign hanging down that read in. Ash was such a loser sometimes.

Suddenly, the door opened and Emery's nose wrinkled as she saw a naked Ash. Great. "Sam. Dean. Sam and Dean."

"Hey, Ash. We need you're help," Sam stated, avoiding looking down.

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