xxxiv. | a whole new world

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Disclaimer; I do not own Supernatural. If I did, Chuck would be messing with the boys a lot.

What is and What Should Never Be

"If Satan has to ask for permission, so do you." -Unknown

AFTER SAVING A GHOST, KILLING A werewolf that Sam had gotten feelings for, working on a movie set, being the getaway car from a prison, Emery was sick of hunting. Not only was she the one to comfort Sam after he put his lover down, she had this sick sensation in her belly. What if Dean had to do that to her? She was a monster, after all. Even if they didn't know which monster it was.

So, as Emery laid on the motel bed, Sam in the room with her, she just wanted to be done with hunting for now. Though, she knew you could never let go of the job.

Sam was talking to Dean on the phone about a cop car outside, which happened to be a false alarm, Emery sitting up and sighing as she looked at the books scattered around the beds. The two younger hunters had put their heads together and realized that they were hunting a Jinn, a genie like monster.

When Sam started saying that Dean should come and pick them up, she knew they were in big trouble. Dean always had to be an idiot.


Emery heard the phone ring, groaning as she felt what little sleep she had slip away from her. She turned to look at her lover, who was sitting at the desk in the room, reading emails and other stuff for his work.

"Honey, who's that?" Emery called, groggily pulling herself out of the bed and pulling the shirt she was wearing closer to her body. It was cold outside of the duvet and she really wanted to cuddle up next to her boyfriend.

"The gin?" She heard as she walked up behind the man, putting her arms around him in a hug, kissing the top of his head. "You're drinking gin?"

Emery felt herself giggle, knowing exactly who was on the other line. Dean Winchester, Sam's older brother, the guy who actually introduced the two of them. It was weird, Emery and Dean had had a high school fling and at the reunion, she had met little Sammy. And well, they hit it off.

"Who, Carmen?" Sam asked,and Emery smiled and kissed Sam in the cheek. "Dean, you're drunk. You're drunk-dialling me."

There was another pause and Emery dragged the office chair out of its spot, and straddled Sam's lap, smiling up at the male she loved oh-so-much. He smiled back at her, before he was talking to Dean again. "Look, it's late. All right, just get some sleep and, um, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Sam sighed after he hung up, looking at Emery before placing a kiss on her lips. He reached behind her, closing the book that had been open, before looking back at Emery's beaming face.

"Can you come to bed now?" She asked, still not getting off of Sam's lap.

"Of course, come on," Sam stated, before picking the girl up by under her thighs, walking them over to the bed that was sitting on the other side of the room. Emery was dropped on the bed, making her scream from the small drop, before she watched Sam shed his shirt and pants. She scooched over (having been dropped on Sam's side) and crawled under the covers. When Sam joined her, she cuddled up to his side and laid her head on his chest.

"Night, Sammy, I love you."

"Night, Em," she felt his lips kiss her forehead. "I love you too."

Tragedy ° DEAN WINCHESTEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora