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a battle with myself about God

I look at the marvelous and natural beauty surrounding me, the smell of sweet roses and the birds fluttering from tree to tree and think, "How could there not be a God? Look at all he's done!"

But then I look further at the tragedy, my eyesight gouged with all of the unnecessary suffering and human destruction, the torture and the famine and the relentless violence...and I think to myself, "How could there be a God? Look at what he allows to be done!"

Books are my solace but not that one, the one written by hateful men who aimed to continue the hate; let me focus on the good and on the righteous, the glory that He left behind.

But how can I distinguish between what a merciful God wants from me and what THEY want from me? The men and the lost women, the humans that think they are Gods among us when they are merely pawns to a much larger and more frightening game.

"Do this! Don't do that! Don't you dare wear that! You'll burn for all eternity!" Except they sin the same way or much worse, doing so in private and thinking they can keep secrets from God when they can't even lie properly to themselves.

The God I believe in is merciful, kind and without judgement unless you harm the innocent or the helpless. I know I have disappointed but I have also tried with all my might, yearning to do more good than harm in this world. And when I die, I have many questions for the power above who has so blessed me and so hurt me and yet seems to want to keep my heart beating.

I look forward to our talk.

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