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does this coffin fit two?

I wake up in a dark space, too small to call a room;

It's hard to breathe and I can't see and I am sure I've found my doom.

I'm clawing at this damned wooden box, my nails start to bleed-

"Who locked me down here?" I ponder and flounder and that's when I hear the squeak.

Has someone finally come to rescue me? Perhaps this nightmare is at an end?

And that's when I see the startled mouse scurry past, realizing instead I've made a friend.

Trapped down here just like me, you and I must be the same;

Forced to face monsters and demons and fears while trying to shut out this pain.

A helpless, little creature with tiny but sad features that cannot seem to find the way out;

For a while we waste our breathing with nonsense and screaming and even the occasional shout!

But reality dawns and we both catch on and from the harsh chill, we both start to shake...

Buried down here we are, little mouse come so far, yet your heart forevermore breaks.

your heart breaks forevermoreWhere stories live. Discover now