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a sliver of your photograph

Sitting here trying to imagine the infinity of you and yet the idea is far too unreachable, so expansive that it seeps out my damaged frontal lobe;

It leaks back towards my parietal and down the occipital, pooling at my temporal and drowning my memories from the ground up.

I dust off my sparkle because I know you hate glitter, fearful to leave any remarkable trace of myself behind-

The washcloth is rough against my skin as I scrub the shine away and yet I continue scrubbing down to the worn muscle and shattered bone.

That chip on your shoulder must weigh a ton, your back aching from carrying the weight of us...

Baring down and planting your feet in permanent place where you stand, not a single wobble could be spotted.

Your fire and brimstone are raging a war, explosions and chaos battering both the innocent and the brave-

Would you tell me which is victorious? I forgot to keep score but I know you didn't (we both know you could never forget!)

And while you're at it, perhaps tally the marks and write them all down to make sure nothing's left off;

Jot the paper with fresh black ink and tuck it in a folder for safe keeping, double checking for any notable discrepancies.

The silent fanfare of the heartbroken plays a melancholy tune in the background as I notice a sliver of your photograph in the corner of the closet, 

A disastrous oversight on my part while I was rushing to clean this lonely room of every last piece of you.

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