41º Cap - Donato finds out about the twins

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Rocco thinks about omitting the fact that he owns the store, which Antonella's father is interested in, but when he looks into her eyes, he decides to tell the whole truth.

- I own the store that your father wants to rent.

- That means I'm really just playing a game with you.

- No, it's not. I would have told you before, but knowing you as I do, you wouldn't have accepted it.

- I don't want to hear anything else.

Antonella looks at him angrily and leaves.

- Wait Antonella.

Angrily, Antonella thinks about going into the bathroom, but she is held by the arm by an unknown man.

- I imagined meeting anyone here in this nightclub except you.

- Let go of your arm, it's hurting me.

- What is that? He lets go of her arm.

Rocco pushes Donato violently and two security guards approach, preventing the disagreement between the two from continuing.

- Oh, you! It's good to stop!

- This man was harassing my girlfriend.

Donato looks at Antonella and realizes that she is not Elisabetta despite the resemblance.

- Sorry, she looks too much like a girl I dated.

Donato apologizes and leaves, Matteo arrives and asks what happened.

- What's going on here?

- That man held Antonella's arm.

- He must have thought she was alone.

- No, he didn't think. He confused Antonella with Elisabetta.

- How do you know that?

- He said that Antonella looked too much like his ex-girlfriend.

Matteo looks in the direction of Donato, who has gone to a nightclub, without being able to see his face.

- Keep an eye on that man.

Matteo gives an order to the security guards who were nearby.

- Leave it to us, sir.

- Aren't you going to go back inside?

- No, I'm leaving.

- Without saying goodbye to me?

Elisabetta arrives by surprise and Antonella hugs her.

- I was going to call you when I was home.

- What there was?

Matteo asks Rocco.

- It was nothing, then we continued our conversation.

Rocco leaves next to Antonella, stopping in front of her at the exit of the club.

- Come on, I'll take you.

- What happened to these two? They arrived so well.

- They understand each other Elisabetta, shall we go in?

- First I'm going to the bathroom.

- Ok, I'll wait for you.

- Don't go and I'll meet you there.

- OK.

Without seeing that Donato had passed him, Matteo returns to the table where his mother and brother were.

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