part 2

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21st March, 1980 , Jermyn Street , London.....

A beautiful young girl of 25 was running towards the balcony to watch her husband leaving for 2 days. There's noting new in it. Shubman often goes out for days and weeks for work. He is a bright young heart sergeant afterall. Sara always watches him walking out of the colony serectly from the balcony. She watches untill his shadow goes out of her sight. Once Shubman's long straight figure crossed the colony she sighed , came inside the apartment closing the bacony door as it was chilly outside.

It's very common for Shubman to be out of station. Work calls. Sara always watches him secretly hoping for him to look back for once. But in all these days Shubman had never looked back not even once. If he did he could have seen the deep longing in his wife's eyes.

Sara sighed closing her eyes tiredly. She is really tired of her life. The life which seems to be perfect in other's eyes. Why not?
She is a bright student. Her father is really supportive. She grew up in a welthy family. She is beautiful elegant and well educated. Last but not the least she has a perfect husband who earns well , is handsome , caring and responsible and more over he has encouraged Sara to pursue her career even after marriage and never bounded her in household duties. Its definitely a perfect life a woman could ask for.

But is it really enough??

Maybe yes. Then why Sara is feeling like this?

She opend her eyes which were full of tears. She didn't try to hold them back. She wanted to scream in front of the world that nothing is perfect. The word 'perfect' itself is full of imperfections. In these 2 years of her married life she has experenced severel sides of Shubman...

His gentelness.

His responsibilities.

His care.

His respect.

His observations.

His comfort.

His duties.

His support.

His understanding nature.

His zero male ego.

His protectiveness.

But the thing she never got to taste is
'His love'.

Yes, Shubman never loved her. There relationship has only formalities and responsibilities , no warmth. Her mind always knew it but her heart wasn't ready to accept it. Her heart has always consoled her that maybe he is shy and introvert. But slowly the hope inside her is dying. She has no option but to accept that this is Shubman's nature only. But how?

How can it be possible?
A person doesn't have feelings can be happen maybe but a man doesn't have any physical is it possible?

The only answer biology has of this question is that he is asexual.

In the initial days of her marriage she tried hard to attract him both mentally and physically but all in vain. He always noticed her efforts but never responded to it. At this point Sara feels suffocating.
What will she do?

She has only two options...
One is to accept Shubman as he is.
Two is to get a divorce.

But what would be the reason of divorce?

What will she answer to the world?

Overall divorce is definitely a big decision.

But why their relationship never worked ?

Maybe cause they both were aware of the void and painful silence between them. Still Sara tried. She tried untill her hope fades.

Sara sighed and got up. Usually she has nothing much to do in the household except for her own studies. But today she felt like doing something. Maybe to kill time or distract herself from those thoughts.

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