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Being a teenager is the perfect time for those fun, crazy things you would (probably) never do as an adult. You only live once, and you're only a teenager once, so make these years of friends and freedom count.

So I think a cool thing to do before you officially enter adulthood and turn 20, create a teenage bucket list of all the things you want to do and experiences you're dying to have!

Here are 21 cool things that are on my Teenage Bucket List!

1. Have A Movie-Like Kiss - Whether's it's in the rain like Allie and Noah, upside-down like Spiderman and Mary Jane, or on prom night, everyone wants a perfect kiss! But you've got to be sure it's with someone special.

2. Go On A Road Trip - I want to pile into a car with my best friends and hit the road! Whether we pick out destination beforehand or go where the road takes us, we'll have a blast.

3. Try A Food I Can't Pronounce - This is great, trust me! It might end up being your new favorite!

4. Go Skinny Dipping - I want to go skinny dipping on a warm summer night with my friends. Like in the movies!

5. Fall In Love, Get My Heart Broken - Falling in love is amazing. Going through a major breakup or getting your heart broken is always a painful experience. But it's something that everyone will go through, but it makes you realize that you'll come out the other side okay...and maybe even better than before!

6. Sleep Under The Stars For A Night - I've always wanted to sleep under the stars for a night! I bet nothing is more beautiful than a night under the stars. I want to head into the woods with my friends for a fun filled weekend of camping and savoring the sights!

7. Pull A (Fun) All-Nighter - I want to pull an all-nighter with my friends! Just stay up all night and chat and chat and chat until we see the sun!

8. Throw An Epic Party - I want to throw an epic party that all my friends will remember!

9. Write A Love Letter - I want to write a love letter to someone, someone I love! Like in the movies, instead of sending a text or a message on Facebook, write a hand-written letter!

10. Have A Memorable Conversation With A Stranger - I'll never know what I might have in common with a stranger I run into! So before I am 20, I'm going to have a memorable conversation with a stranger!

11. Dance In The Rain - There's something about the act of dancing freely, and being caught in a major downpour...that makes you feel alive like almost nothing else does. So instead of running for cover the next time it starts coming down, start your own impromptu dance party and feel the rush!

12. Learn A Foreign Language - I think that learning a foreign language is something that everyone should do before they're 20! For example... I am learning french at the moment!

13. Learn To Play A Song On An Instrument - Always wanted to be able to play your favorite song on an instrument? Make it happen. With a few weeks of lessons, a teach-yourself manual or even just YouTube tutorials, you can experience a different side of one of your favorite songs!

14. Get A Passport, And Take It Somewhere! - Travel to somewhere you've always wanted to go! Whether its by yourself or with a friend or your family, traveling and seeing the world is important!

15. Go Back-Packing With A Friend - I've always wanted to go backpacking. One day, my friend and I are going to load everything we will need to go backpacking for a few days, and set out on an adventure!

16. Walk Down The Street Wearing A "Free-Hugs" T-shirt - This looks like so much fun, go into a busy city or a crowded mall with your best friend wearing t-shirts that say "Free Hugs" and hug everyone who comes up to you!

17. Go Electronics Free For 24 Hours - This is a great feeling, going 24 hours without your laptop, phone, iPad, or any electronics! Just get your friends over and have a night of fun without technology!

18. Write a song - Even if you have absolutely no musical experience or talent! Just write a song for the fun and the thrill of it!

19. Write a journal - Get an empty book, and write a journal! Write down experiences worth remembering or just your feelings! It's good to write down your feelings on paper, especially when you're a teen! And one day, when you're and adult can look back on the journal! I am working on mine right now.

20. Set a goal, and make it happen. - This sort of explains itself, set a difficult goal and make it happen. Anything is possible!

21. MEET ANDY BIERSACK. Yeahhh. c:

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