"In My Victory, Just Remember Me..."

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  • Dedicated to anyone who wants a dedication ok

Heyyo, my pink cotton candy mustachesssss!! AND SO I RETURN wif another quotey -quotes -quote type of chappie ^-^ woooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~! YAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYY!! Last time, I did a quotes chapter on Drake &Josh, but is on the Tv Show VICTORIOUS! I thought I'd do quotessss chapters every now and then, and I was thinking of doing the next one on iCarly or Wizards of Waverly Place or something LOL. . . . OKIES HERE'S THE AWESOME CHAPPIE I PROMISED, YOU AWESOME PEOPLE, YOU. ^~^



Cat: One time, I ate a hamburger and then like an hour later I started sneezing, but I don't think it had anything to do with the hamburger.

Tori: I am a police officer! Would you like some raisin bran?

Cat: Yay, we're hanging out togeth-

Jade: NO!!!

Jade: Hey Vega. Tori.

Tori: What?

Jade: Try this coffee and tell me what it tastes like.

Tori: Hazelnut?

Jade: I don't know, I found it in the garbage.

Tori: Happy Birthday Trina.

Trina: Thanks... so where's my present?

Rex: Take me to the bathroom, I've gotta pee now.

Tori: He's a puppet, he can't pee.

Rex: You don't know what I got.

Tori's newest status on TheSlap.com: I'm not crazy! There IS a PONNIE!!!

(video chat with Cat starts)

Cat: Hi!

Andre: What's up, little red?

Tori: Hey, Cat.

Grandma: (background) Andre!

Andre: What's wrong, Grandma?

Grandma: The numbers on my clock changed again!

Andre: It's a clock, Grandma. The numbers are supposed to change.

Grandma: What happened to my butter?

Andre: I'll go to the store tomorrow and get you some more butter.

(Grandma runs off, screams, then smashes something)

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