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yeah, idk...

Go up to a random person sitting on a bench and randomly start laughing and see what they do.

Try to balance the lightswitch between ON and Off. Be warned...

Just be awesome!

Jaws is my best movie ever.

List your phone number on Facebook as the pizza place's phone number.

Ask old people what they want to be when they grow up.

Paint a moustache on your face and go to the beauty saloon asking to wax it off.

Hire a taxi. When the man asks you where you want to go, say "To infinity, and beyond".

Ring someones door bell and when they answer say how may i help you

Call your best friend then say gobble gobble then hang up.

Why don't you try not being so awesome

Stand on a short wall and when someone walks by jump off and shout I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!

Walk outside. walk up to someone. say" that snake behind you has a big butt" see the reaction.

Go into your siblings or parents room and hide under their bed. As they enter, make creepy noises!

Late at night go to a stranger and show your chest mussels repeating "I'm bester than you".

Hide in a wardrobe in ikea dressed as a lion.

Stare at the person beside you until they notice.

Hide in your closet. (Try to see how long you can go without being noticed.).

Walk up to your best friend and yell "IMPOSTER!!".

Go to Taco Bell and ask for a cheeseburger.

Tell someone of the opposite gender "If you were a potato, you'd be a good potato".

Open a wardrobe and say, "Im just off to Narnia".

Text a random number: "I've hidden the body. Now what?".

Go to sleep before you wake up.

Get a new phone #, text your best friend and act like you're their secret admirer.

Prank call a friend, relation or a fast food place and make them believe some really weird story!

Go up to an old guy with a beard and scream "DUMBLEDORE, YOU'RE ALIVE!".

Right before you sneeze say Pika!!!

Jump off of a curb and pretend to be dead.

Wait for someone to sneeze, before they do, say "Pika".

Dress up like Dovakiin, walk up to a old guy and say, "I'm here Graybeard" Then run away.

Go to Walmart and ask for blueberry toilet paper.

Sit in your neighbors yard. when they come out give them a big hug, then sing won't you be my neighbor.

Call up your childhood imaginary friend and ask how he's been after all these years.

Give some random person a bear hug.

Watch grandmas fighting on youtube.

Walk to a random person and scream whats that behind you and then run away.

Don't be an idiot, hug your teddy bear!

Talk to a stranger as if he or she is your best friend.

Go up to a complete stranger, hug them, and say, "It's been so long! I've missed you dearly!".

With a partner, go to opposite sides of the bed, hold hands and try to fall off.

Put some Jelly Beans in the microwave for 40 seconds... you know you want too.

Rename your pets, parents, and best friends Humphrey.

Go to the first person you c and poke their belly button, see wht happens.

Call someone and ask for their phone number, then show up at their house and ask for their address.

Go to ikea. Hide in a wardrobe. When you hear someone walk by, shout "FOR NARNIA!!!".

Pretend to be on the phone in a public place and loudly say 'yes doctor I know my mother has rabies'.

Put banana in your ear! Then you will be the banana king!

Randomly hump piano keys and write down whatever you hear then add lyrics... THEN BECOME FAMOUS!!

Make a cake that looks like a carrot and eat it. Beat that, health!

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