Daniel What The Hell?

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"Daniel!" I stormed into my house searching for my brother. I followed his voice which was upstairs. I didn't speak to him in school about this because Daniel and I kind of had this unspoken arrangement. I don't speak to him at school and that way he's not mean to me there. It doesn't really make a difference at home since we barely talk here either but he was less likely to yell at me too bad if we were home and not at school. I found Daniel in his room sitting at the edge of his king sized bed talking on the phone. But once he noticed me he quickly told whoever it was that he would call them back.

"What is it Lana?" He mumbles looking up at me.

"Why did you invite your little secret society over to stay the night?" I angrily asked him.

Daniel chuckled and stood to his feet. "we are not a secret society Lana." He walked over to his mirror and swiftly took off his black shirt. I rolled my eyes as he slipped on another black shirt but it had a collar.

They always wore black.

"Whatever." I folded my arms. "Why did you tell them they could stay when your not even gonna be here?"

"Elana it's not a big deal." He says occasionally glancing at me  while putting on deodorant.
"I have a date and then I'll be back. They'll probably just be in my room just hanging out until then." Daniel shrugged while putting on his shoes. "And why are you in here? You know not to ever step foot in my room."

I rolled my eyes. "Why can't they wait for you to get back at their own houses?" I whined. I really didn't understand why they had to be in our house at all. It was so obvious that Carter and Justin were up to something and Daniel just wasn't seeing it.

"I don't trust your friends Daniel they are...scary." I swallowed.

Fully dressed, Daniel gave himself a once over in the mirror and then he walked over to me and sighed.
"Listen, I promise they won't bother you. Oh and it's good that your scared of them, that just means that you'll stay out of trouble with them."
Daniel pulled out his phone as he walked out the room. I followed right after him.

"When they come im not opening the door for them." I smirked while sitting on the stairs.

Daniel simply said. "Carter has my keys, don't start anything when they come Lana I mean it." Daniel sent me a glare and I swallowed nervously. I watched as Daniel headed for the door. We use to be so close, but now he has his Virginity brothers.

"I'm just gonna tell mom and dad." I whispered

Daniel turned and looked at me irritatedly.
"Do that and I'll make sure you'll have a real reason to be scared of my friends." He growled and slammed the door.


An hour later Melissa came to my house and I began telling her what happened with Daniel and I.
"And how is this bad a bad thing?" Melissa asked while twirling her hair. We were sitting on my bed laying down but I sat up to give her a confused look so she finished.

"You and I are gonna be home alone with the hottest boys In school, tell me how this is bad?" She raised an eyebrow and I sighed. She didn't know that they were virginity theives and I obviously couldn't tell her about it.

"It's because Michael broke up with that girl for no reason! Isn't that so mean? You even said so!" I blurted out. Melissa's confusion deepened as she asked, "What does that have to do with Carter and Justin?"

My eyes widened. "They all hang out with each other!" I pointed out. "Birds of a feather- flock together" I reminded her and she burst out laughing.

"Lana you watch to much tv." she was out of breath from laughing and snatched her phone off of the bed when a name flashed on her screen. "Oh my god!
It's Justin! Look look look he texted me!" She shoved her phone in my face and I went slightly blind.

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