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"We are just working on a project, nothing more nothing less."

I tried to explain to Melissa but she kept blabbering on and on about double dates with her, Justin, Carter and I.

Never in a trillion years would I agree to that.
I face palmed as she hit the breaks while approaching a red light. I swear this was the longest drive home we've ever had.

"I'm just saying give him a chance Jesus." She huffed rolling her eyes at me. I glared at her because she just wouldn't stop the conversation.
"Are you like not into guys or something?"

My eyes widened as she looked as if she'd just figured something out.

"is there's something I need to know about you?." She pointed at me and I completely went off.

"Ughhhhhh no! I'm not into girls Melissa." I yelled sitting up in my seat. "Strictly Dickly over here."

Melissa immediately laughed. "Yeah the dick you never had."

I cracked up laughing grabbing my chest.
"Whatever, are you hinting that you're planning on giving it up soon.?" I playfully side eyed her even though I was serious. The smirk she gave me afterwards was my answer. She pinned brown hair behind her ear and smiled like she was thinking about something. Or should I say someone.

I sighed facing toward in my seat and weighed my options again.

Tell her? Or don't tell her ? Because I have been warning her. She doesn't believe anything I say already. Then I thought about if I was in her shoes would I want my best friend to tell me? And keep telling me ? Hell yes. My virginity meant a lot to me I didn't want to give it to just anyone no matter how much I liked them.


"Where here." She announced as we parked in front of my house. My eyes stayed on her to let her know I was serious. "We need to talk." I stated and she wouldn't look at me. She kept her eyes straight ahead like she already knew what I was going to say.

"I don't want to hear it Lana." She frustratedly sighed as she turned towards to me. "I already know what your going to say."

"Oh yeah?" I laughed. "And what is that?"

We both turned towards each other prepared to debate about this.
"Your jealous." She said so normally like it was the answer to a question. My hand covered my mouth in shock as we looked at each other. She had a small smile on her face like it was amusing to her.

"Jealous?!" I yelled back incredulously. "What makes you think I'm jealous of what you have going on with a peace of trash like Justin?"
All I ever did was warn her I've never acted jealous I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

She shook her head and folded her arms.
"Only a jealous person would say that. Your just upset that you don't have a boyfriend, and it's sad really because Carter really likes you." She rolled her eyes while my heart was beating so fast against my chest. "I can't believe you just said that to me."
My voice was trembling as I tried my best not to cry. She probably wouldn't have cared either way.

"You keep saying he's a player, this and that. But all he shows me is that he cares Lana. You just don't see it so you're trying to ruin what we have. Honestly..."

She sighed and looked at me again.

"I don't even think we should be friends anymore." I looked up at her, shocked, angry and hurt.

"What!" Was all I could choke out. My best friend since 1st grade didn't want to be friends with me anymore?

"Me and Justin both talked about it and he's see's it too. You're jealous and your not happy for me. I don't need a person like that in my life." She concluded and shrugged while pulling her phone right out of her pocket when the text message sound went off.

I watched the corners of her mouth curve up into a smile. "I have to go." She quickly said and put her seat belt on. I didn't budge. I was so shocked, hurt and confused at the same time. I wanted to scream and cry all at once.

"Um can you get out of my car?"

Melissa had an irritated look on her face as she impatiently waited for me to get out. I unbuckled my seat belt, grabbed my book bag and opened my door.


I turned and leaned across the console handing me the name necklace that she always wore that I bought her for her 13th birthday. That's the day we vowed to be best friends forever.
In return, on the same day she bought me the same necklace. They both said bff on it and we never took it off.

Well until now.

My heart sank as she dropped the necklace in my hand. Before she sat back down she closed my door for me and literally sped off.

I watched her car until it disappeared in the distance. I never knew a friend could cause this much pain and I always thought my first heartbreak would be from a guy or I've even heard stories about girls saying there dads broke there hearts by being a non figure in there lives. But yeah me, my best friend broke my heart. I didn't know what to do.

Sudden thunder made me flinch and finally move a muscle I had been standing in the same spot probably for about 30 minutes now. I didn't cry yet even though my tears were here they were ready to drop yet.

I began walking. I didn't want to go in the house I already knew Daniel and at least one of The virginity brothers were there I saw one of there cars in the drive way. I had no where to go. No one to talk to. The only friend I had just kicked me out of there car and I'm pretty sure it was gonna start raining any moment now judging from the dark sky and thunder.

As I walked aimlessly throughout my neighborhood Melissa's words replayed in my head.

"You're jealous." Her voice taunted. It floated around in my head as I walked. Was I jealous? Looking out for my friend? Warning her ? That makes me jealous?

A loud beeping sound dragged me out of my thoughts. I began walking faster and slipped my hoodie over my head there was a definitely a car driving slowly beside me and beeping at me.

"Shit." I cursed as the rain started and the car just wouldnt drive away. I didn't show my face to the driver so I couldn't really make out the car. I continued to walk faster and faster and eventually the car drove away considering the beeping stopped.

Thank god.

"Ahh" a pair of hands touched the back of my arms scaring the shit out of me making me fall toward.
"Shit" carter cursed under his breath catching me before I hit the ground.
We were staring at eachother as he held by my arms. His dark hair was messy all over his head. He was wearing a black t-shirt and dark jeans. The usual dark stuff.

A tear slipped out of my eye without my permission. His cocoa brown eyes zeroed in on my face worriedly.

"Come on, your coming with me." He stated and didn't wait for me to answer as he lead to me the front seat of his white Dodge Charger and buckled me in. Surprisingly I didn't protest. I didn't have the strength to argue he could just take me home and that's that.

"Where are we going?" I whispered once he started driving in the opposite direction of my house.

He looked at me. His eyes slightly getting lighter.

"My house. We have a project to do remember?"


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