Dirty Minds

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The intense stares I kept receiving from Carter made me nervous to even breath. He was sitting so close to me and his smell was something I could inhale for the rest of my life without complaint. I sat with my arms in my lap and my legs close together afraid for any part of my body to touch him, I knew I would feel those tingles in my body again if I did.

"Elana." He whispers leaning closer to me. See there he goes again making the butterflies in my stomach go off into a frenzy everytime he mutters my name.

I turn sideways so I could see his face. "Yes?"

I watched as the corners of his mouth form into a small smile. "Are you going to answer my question?"

I looked deep into his hypnotizing eyes and then my eyes dropped down to his lips as i wondered what they felt like. What they tasted like.

"What question?" I said in a small voice.

"Why were you hiding out in the bathroom? I was looking for you." He sat up so our faces were closer together and I couldn't take it so I stood up and folded my arms.

"Look I don't know what game you two are playing but we are not playing along." I snapped making Justin, Melissa and Carter all look at me.

"What game Lana?" Justin looked truly confused.

Carter looked at me curiously waiting for my answer.

Then a realization came to my mind. I can't make it seem like I know what they are up to! I cannot lead them on to thinking I know all about them being virginty theives! I cannot expose myself, by exposing them. Shit.

I had to think of something.

"Don't you two have girlfriends?" I blurted out, choosing to take the safer route. "We don't hang out with boys who have girlfriends." I rolled my eyes and walked out of the living room with dramatic effect.

Just as I reached the hallway my front door flew open and I gasped. Caleb,Michael, and Daniel walked through the door and Daniel had some girl with him.

"You brought all of them here?" I announced incredulously. Michael smiled at me and Daniel looked at me very annoyed.

"Finally!" Justin announced walking out of the living room with Carter following behind him. They all did the little hand shake that they do when they see each other and I rolled my eyes once more. I watched as Carter leaned on the wall near the stairs with his arms crossed and his eyes wander on me.

"Sorry if Lana was a pain." Daniel apologizes to Carter while my jaw dropped. Did he really just say that?

"She was fine bro." Carter responded with a serious expression on his face. Daniel nodded and walked towards the stairs. The group exchanged no other words as if they were already reading each other minds and followed after Daniel who was heading to his room. The red headed girl even followed them.

Carter was the last of them to head upstairs and not before he grinned at me then he disappeared into Daniels room with the rest of them.

"Okay your brother is so fucking hot!" Melissa gawked from beside me and I rolled my eyes.
"Let's go out or something." I suggested. Melissa agreed and we found ourselves about 5 miles away at the movie theatre. This was better then being stuck in the house with the sneaky 5 any day.

The following Monday morning was what I expected it to be. Melissa and I had a fun weekend but I knew what I was going to see when I arrived at school today.

The virginity thieves were back at it again. All five of them had a brand new girl With them even Michael. He had just broken up with his girl 3 days ago but theses guys move like clock work so this was all expected. Anyone on the outside looking in would just think the group was just a popular best friend group who just gets any girl. No one new that it was way deeper then that. It sickened me to see the girls fall so hopelessly for the guys charm that they couldn't even see the fact that they were getting played.

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