You reap, I sow

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Melissa's POV

I blinked my tears out of my eyes trying to re read the white board on my fridge. I kept scanning it over and over hoping my eyes deceived me. I wished the words that were written in front of me weren't there but they were. Justin didn't want to be with me, he called me desperate, he even said i wasn't girlfriend material. I couldn't see how he felt that way about me. I treated him very well, I defended him behind his back to Elana and even when he and I would talk about her I would tell him how I told Elana off, harshly giving her the facts that Justin just isn't who she says he is. What did I do to him that made him see me as less then good enough for him?

I was so confused, so I grabbed my phone and frantically dialed his number but it went straight to voicemail. I tried about five more times while pacing back and forth in my kitchen and the operator's automated voice told me the number couldn't be reached. He blocked my number. I slammed my phone down on the counter and thought that the next logical thing for me to do was to go find him, we had to talk about this, I had to make this right, I had to fix it. I ran upstairs to my room to find some clothes, I put on the first thing I could find and raced out of the door.

20 minutes later I arrived at Elana's. Her driveway was full with exotic cars and lucky for me, Justin's car was one of them. Him and his friends were always here. I left my keys in the ignition because I wasn't going to be long, I just needed to speak with him about this. My thoughts were all over the place and I felt like I could hear my heart beating in my head. All of my senses were heightened because of my nervousness right now. I just needed the same thing that happened before, to happen right now. The day when Justin broke up with me the first time, he was here and then I came back here with Elana, he pulled me into the hallway to speak with me, he apologized and then we were on good terms again. We ended up making out and Elana caught us, I was too wrapped up in him to even think to stop when she saw us. As long as that happened again we would be fine. I could go home a happy girl as long as I knew my relationship was okay.

I didn't even care that Elana and I were no longer friends and that I was at her house right now, she just would have to understand, I needed to speak with Justin. I knocked on the door making sure I added a few extra knocks so someone could hurry and open it. The door flew open immediately startling me and when I realized it wasn't Justin who answered it I pushed right through the door. "Sure come in." Daniel sarcastically says with a smirk. He shuts the door and follows me in the living room where I see everyone is, all of Justin's friends including Justin. They were all spread out sitting on different couches, Elana was actually here with them as well and everyone quieted when I walked in. I didn't care what they were thinking or how crazy I looked right now. I came here for one person and one person only.

"Justin i need to talk to you." I was out of breath from rushing all the way over here and bursting through the door. I'm sure my curly hair was all over my head and I was wearing one of my oversized t-shirts and strawberry short cake pajama pants but I didn't care one bit. I noticed now that Justin, Carter and Elana were standing in a closed circle before I walked in here, Elana looked angry about something and so did Carter. Justin turned around completely facing me, a smile played along on his lips and his eye brows raised. "Talk about?" He questioned me. I saw Daniel fold his arms over chest while still smirking at me. He actually thought this was funny, they were all waiting for me to put on a show.

I huffed and dropped my hands on my thighs. Just was going to make me spell it out for him. He knew why I was here, and he was purposely acting like he didn't know or care. "Us." I announced. "How could you just leave without telling me? And then you left me that note on my fridge, you couldn't have meant that, just like before, it was a mistake right?" The hope In my voice is clear to everyone and I will admit I did sound a little desperate but I didn't care. I didn't want to lose my relationship, I wanted to fight for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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