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"Ragdoll?" Julia whispered. "Where are you?"

Silence was her answer as she walked through an abandoned house. The floral wallpaper dirty and ripped. The floors were creaky and moldy. Her heart pounded against her chest.

She turned her head seeing a light, and walked towards it. It was showing through a crack from a bedroom door. She slowly put her ear to it, hearing a child's voice.

"Today was horrible." a girls voice sobbed. "This old man cornered me on the way home, and kissed me... Then he said if I screamed he would kill me..." her voice faded into uncontrollable sobs.

The girls voice sounded so familiar.

Julia gently opened the door, letting the light pour out to the darkened hall. Her eyes widening as she recognized the girl. The child had brown curly hair, pale skin, and hazel eyes. It was a younger version of herself. The child still sobbing, grabbed something next to her. A ragdoll.

"You're my only friend." her eight year old self whispered. Clutching the doll to her chest. "Ragdoll."

Julia screamed. She remembered the fear, and the pain of this memory. She hurried to close the door, but was to late. Her mother barged in, with a drink in hand. Blonde hair wild, red lipstick smeared across her cheeks.

"You worthless piece of trash!" she screamed. "You're the cause of everything bad that happens to me! Your father had the right mind to leave! Just like I should!"

Her younger self sobbed on. While her older self only watched in horror as her mom walked to the bed. She ripped the ragdoll away from the younger Julia screaming non audible words.

The ragdoll landed next to Julia, the face smiling. As slaps echoed around the room, both Julias screamed in fear. Then she felt something; anger and determination. Her eyes blazed as she ran over, suddenly having a knife in her hand. She stabbed her mother in the chest, and the body fell with a thud. This wasn't a memory anymore... It was a nightmare. This couldn't be real.

Julia shook uncontrollably as she regained herself. She watched her younger self get off the bed and pull out the knife from their dead mother's corpse, a devilish grin on her young innocent face.

"Ragdoll?" Julia whispered.

Herself grinned. "I win."


Jonathan watched as Julia succumbed to the fear serum. This would help with the talking. Definitely. He smirked as she curled up on the floor. Shaking uncontrollably.

He stood over her, watching her. Julia suddenly screamed. Then lasped into silence.

Jonathan kneeled down, slowly unfurling her form and laying her on her back. Her head shook back and forth. Hands clenched into fists. He was shocked when her eyes opened so soon, showing her grey eyes-Wait? Weren't they hazel?

She stared unseeing at the ceiling. But then her eyes blinked, focusing on him.
He quickly stood, looking at his watch. It had only been about eight minutes. No one had ever woken up this quickly before in all his tests.

Julia suddenly locked her grey eyes onto his blue ones. She smiled wickedly.

"I win." she said victoriously.

Then her eyes slowly turned hazel as she promptly went unconscious.

"Interesting." Jonathan muttered. He kneeled down again, gently moving a strand of her brown hair off of her face.

"You my dear... Are something else. And I have a feeling you will be quite a break through in my tests, comparison to all my other patients that weren't lucky enough to survive."

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