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"Are you in position?" came Jonathan's voice through the hand radio, crackling from the old fashioned model.

"Yes over..." Julia responded as she crouched in the air vents above the theater's auditorium. "Besides it being really dusty up here, I am in position."

She eyed all the people sitting in comfortable red velvet chairs, as they enjoyed the show. She even spotted a group of Wayne Enterprises members, through the grate's grating. They were also watching the play being performed, a live act from the 'Phantom of the Opera.' She wished she could watch the performance, but unfortunately she was part of something more exciting. A mission to experiment on rich people who didn't give shit about all the other folks that lived in gutters, and that fought everyday for survival. Corrupt pigs, that fed the poor with scraps and gave pennys to help.

"Well hopefully you won't sneeze and alert our position." he said sarcastically. "On the count of three, the lights will go off and that's your cue to release the gas from your canister." Jonathan reminded her.

"On three." she repeated.


She took the grating, and put it next to her. She eased out the canister that looked like a small fire extinguisher.


Her finger positioned itself on the trigger. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her rattling nerves. She didn't want any attacks tonight.


She pressed the trigger and the gas sprayed straight down, creating a white fog that slowly spread throughout the auditorium. Placing a black gas mask over her face, she made sure the rope was attached to her belt. Then she dove out of the vent, sliding down the rope, as screams echoed around her in a beautiful symphony.

The fog dissipated as the lights came back on, as Jonathan strode out on the stage with his mask on with a huge metal brief case beside him. He inclined his head towards her and she pulled out a sleek, black pistol and shot it three times at the ceiling as she pulled the gas mask off. The echoing sound of her gun firing left everyone cowering and silent in their seats.

"Thank you dear." Jonathan said from the stage.

Julia nodded as she moved down the center aisle, holding the gun as she scrutinized every person there. Eighty people, all rich with no children except their piles of money.

"If you want to stay alive citizens of Gotham. I'd recommend to line up here and each grab a vial of liquid. They are the cure to heal you from this fear you are experiencing." he opened the lid of the case, revealing neatly lined vials by the dozens.

She knew he was lying, but the people didn't. They pushed and shoved to grab a vial of the "cure". Each vial held a different mixture and was each a different shimmery color. Ever since her attacks, Jonathan had tried to find a cure for her. And these vials were the results of his testing. Whoever survived would have drunk the cure that actually worked. The different color liquids were to distinguish what person took what, since the color of the liquid would stain their lips that certain color.

As soon as the people had each swallowed a vial, they remained standing as they shook uncontrollably. The eyes flickered from side to side, not focusing on anything in particular. She started the timer on her watch as she stood next to Jonathan.

3 minutes, five people lying still as stone.

8 minutes, now thirty six.

15 minutes, seventy six.

18 minutes, all dead.

The bodies were all white with their lips in different colors of the rainbow. Eyes open, and staring unseeing at the ceiling. Limbs splayed awkwardly around them.

Sirens wailed in the distance as a smashing of glass was heard from the rooftop.

"Batman." Jonathan hissed. "Lets go. I don't have enough fear toxin left for a long fight."

She nodded in agreement as they clutched each other's hands, and fled from the scene of the crime.

But unfortunately the caped crusader landed in front of them with a shattering of glass from the skylights, before they could leave the auditorium.

"Crane." his voice was deep and rasping. "You and Miss Heart will come quietly."

"Or what?" Jonathan scoffed. "You really think I would come unprepared for such an occasion as this?"

The Batman pondered over his statement as Julia pulled out a hidden gun from her trench coat. He didn't see it coming till the bullet hit him in the shoulder.

"Bang." she whispered.

Jonathan quickly pulled her to the side as two batrings went where her head just was a second ago.

"Thanks." she gasped as they dove behind some auditorium chairs.

"Don't mention it."

Jonathan peered over the top of the chair, but quickly went back down as another batring flew overhead.

He turned towards her. "Run when I say go."

She nodded as he threw a sphere over the chairs, that let out a fog with a hissing sound.

"Go!" Jonathan shouted as he went to engage the Batman.

But they both were unaware of the thickening fog that affected any person without a mask. Which was the Batman and... Julia.

When she tried to run, her vision became hazy as the room spinned. The whole auditorium was spinning like a top as she tripped over the dead audience members. She turned her head towards a loud commotion as she fell on her side breathing heavily.

She saw Jonathan fighting the Batman whom took shape of a huge demon with long, curled claws and red eyes. Then Jonathan's mask appeared to have flaming eyes that set fire to everything around her. She screamed as she tried to climb over the flaming bodies, vaguely aware of Jonathan shouting her name.

Then she stood up trying to run towards his voice when she tripped, falling hard to the floor. Her head hit the floor hard as a red haze blinded her vision. That last thing she saw was the growing fire that consumed all that remained, leaving her to be drawn into a lonely darkness to sleep.

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