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Julia had left Jonathon's house about ten minutes ago. She was still in a daze from the two kisses they had shared. Her cheeks blazing as she thought about it. In embarrassment, she had left right after with a sorry excuse to feed her "cat". She had hoped Jonathon wouldn't take her sudden leave as a mistake.

Someone bumped into her, making her trip. But two hands caught her before she could make impact with the concrete.

"Rags?" said a familiar voice.

"Nygma!" Julia exclaimed. "Its good to see you." she exclaimed as she regained her balance, brushing off her wine, red colored shirt.

She eyed him up as he did the same. He inclined his head for her to talk first.

"Are you turning into a normal person?" she smiled in amusement.

"First you criticize my famous suit. And now you make fun of my regular common day suit? Ain't woman supposed to be nice?"

She laughed. "I'm always nice to you."


Nygma suddenly eyed her curiously. "So how did it go?"

"You mean if I talked to him yet?"

He nodded.

"Um... Yeah." she felt her cheeks redden.

"Did something happen I'm unaware of? Because you are extremely happy and blushing. And I would say thats a sign of-"

"Success." she butted in.

He opened his mouth to speak then thought better of it and closed it with a smile. "So where are you going?" he casually asked, as he readjusted his glasses.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm going to adopt a cat."

"A cat?"

"Yep. Cause I need one so I'm not lying about feeding it."

Nygma looked at her in absolute confusion. "I don't think I want to know about this." he said slowly.

"No. You kinda don't." She then turned on her boots and started to walk away. "See you soon Nygma!" she waved a hand.

"You too Rags."


Later that night in her apartment, she carefully introduced her new cat to their home.

"This..." Julia said aloud. "Is where I live. You are free to explore everywhere but outside the front door. You hear me Arkham?"

Arkham meowed as he jumped onto her couch, leaving little, black hairs.

She ignored what he did and sat next to him, rubbing his head as she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"Crime rate has doubled within the past years in Gotham. Even with the Batman fighting the criminals daily, we notice that there is one of him and hundreds of criminals."

"And with the prison break from Arkham almost three weeks ago, we were told some of the most dangerous criminals are at large. The ones that were sighted in Arkham that night escaping during the prison break were the Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman."

"We believe the Joker had started the prison break, with the help of Killer Croc and the Mad Hatter. And our new mystery criminal the Scarecrow showed up during the havoc."

"This is Sara Matthews on-"

Julia switched the TV off. She hadn't known there were so many other criminals well known. And she wondered if they knew about her? That led her to the thought of did she want to be known as a criminal. Famous as the Joker and Catwoman were? Did she have what it toom to be a killer?


Jonathon was also watching the news, and smiled when they mentioned the Scarecrow. He was one of the top criminals of Gotham now, and something he was proud of. Everybody needed to fear something.

His smile faded a second later though as he thought about earlier. After the kiss, Julia had left abruptly. But he didn't take it as a bad thing, he could tell she was embarrassed to kiss him in the first place. But he hoped she would arrive tomorrow, if not he would probably just send another letter.

He walked up the stairs to his study, turning on the light. Various containers of different liquids were placed in racks on a long table to the left. And opposite it was a long bookshelf for his journals, that he kept records in. Some important books on psychology sat in a pile on the desk in front of him under a small round window.

Sitting at the desk he carefully thought about a plan. He wanted to do something big as the Scarecrow and soon. But for some reason Julia kept entering his mind and distracting him. He then was hit with a brilliant idea.

Julia could help with the plan. She could work with him and become a criminal like himself. If she accepted... Would she accept?

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