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Zaria Pov:
I am currently on the phone with Odell since he decides to call me at 6 o'clock in the noting asking if I was going to his game.

He is making me not want go if he is going to do this all the time.

"Yess I am going."

" I just called to make sure." He says.

"Well if that is all you called for then."

I hang up the phone and go back to sleep.

I don't care if he called back again he should now you don't mess with a woman and her sleep.

I wake up later at 9:00 to see that I have five missed calls.

Three from Odell and two from Jakirya.

I call back Jakirya since I already know what Odell is going to say.

"Hey girl I missed yo call" I say getting up out the bed walking downstairs toward my kitchen.

"Yea I was calling to see if you wanted to do something today."

"Well I got 2 free tickets to the Giants game today at 1 you want to come?"

"Who gave you free tickets to a football game and you going to go because you and I both know you don't like footballs."

"I had a change of heart and decided to go." I say while scrambling some eggs.

"You whatever I will go pick just pick me up on time.

"I will."

I hung up and finish scrambling my eggs.

I call Odell back.

"You called me."

"Why  you hung up on me earlier?" He questions.

"We'll for starters you called me at 6 o'clock in the morning and expect me just to listen to your whole conversation."

"Yes that us the right thing a  average  wife would do."

"Well I'm not a average wife then." I say getting smart with him.

"Quit getting smart with me and I called you back because when you go to park show them yo ticket and they going to show you the designated spot for yo to park."

"Look at you trying to be husband of the year."

"I try." He says.

Which makes me laugh.

"Alright I will talk to you later at the game."

"Aight bye husband." I say trying to be funny.

He just laughs and says "bye wifey."

I hung up with him and finish cooking breakfast.

Once I get finished I go take shower.

After I get out the shower and put lotion on I put the jersey on that Odell gave me.

I put on some shorts and I put on my red,white,and blue Lebrons.

I don't on makeup because I am going to a football gam and who is going to be looking at me.

I put my hair in a tight ponytail and I am out the door on the way to pick Jakirya.

I pull up at her house and beep the horn. After a few minutes she comes out the house.

"Took you forever." I say backing out her drive.

"I was looking for my matching shoe and what is that big rock doing on your finger?" She asks.

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