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Zaria Pov:
I am currently shopping with Jakirya since we haven't talked in bout a week. Since I have been so busy.

"So what you been up that you haven't talked to me in a week." She asks.

"We'll I have been getting to know Odell. Oh I met his momma and little sister. Oh Odell wants to have kids too. Life is great." I say.

"What hold up you meet his momma and little sister. What was they like?"

"We'll his momma at first thought I was a gold digger but I had to let her know I ain't one of those. But his momma is very nice and his little sister is too even though all she want is some nieces and nephews." I say explaining to her everything.

"I was just bout ask you bout him wanting kids."

"We'll Jazzy had asked me when we're going to have kids and I was huh. So later that day I explained it too Odell. He wants kids right now but I feel like we should wait because we are just getting to know each other and stuff."  I say.

"I see where you are coming from so will it be anytime soon that I will be come a auntie." She asks.

"Nawl I don't think anytime soon but maybe in the future." I say.

"You never know"

"Yeah enough about let's talk bout you and this little date you going on"I say.

She blushes then says " well you remember that doctor I had a crush well he asked me out yesterday and the date is tomorrow night."

"Aww my best friend going on a date."

"I really like him I feel like could be the one" she says.

"The one what" I say looking confused.

"The one I marry duh." She says.

"Oh well let's go by a outfit then." I say getting up from the table in the food court.

While start walking to Victoria Secret I look in my purse for my phone but instead I a car envelope with black card in it.

I take it out to see a Black American Express card. It has a message on the back of the envelope.

I figured you were going shopping with Jakirya . So I put this in there. I know how you feel about me spending money on you but like I said yo my wife and I like spoiling you. So spend my money. 

            Love Always and Forever😘

I guess I will spend his money since this will be the only time.

Later that day

Odell Pov
I just got home from my meeting with my manager. I walk in as throw my keys down.

"Zaria" I call while looking for her.

I don't hear anything so I call her name again.

"Zaria" I yell.

I finally decide to check upstairs. When I walked into the bedroom I see Zaria sleep with Tzar and Dre laying there heads on her stomach.

I had to take a pic for the gram.

Yep my boys protect they momma 👊

Yea dats the wife❤️👰💍 and yean even know it 

She a 💎 piece

Btw she all mine

I walk up to the bed to wake Zaria but Tzar beats me too because he gets upfront her stomach and goes and starts to lick her face. Which causes her to laugh.

"I see you woke up." I say sitting on the bed beside her.

"How have you been home?" She asks.

"I just got in and I thought you was staying at yo house tonight."

"I was but I would have been lonely in that house all by myself so I just came over here." She says while checking the time.

"Oh you be missing daddy don't you." I say.

She just rolls her eyes and gets off the bed leaving Tzar and Dre with little pouts on their faces.

"Please don't tell me y'all is pouting y'all supposed to be my tuff boys. How  you going turn soft on me." I say talking to the both of them.

They look at me like I am crazy ad jump off the bed and leave out the room to find Zaria.

I can't believe she got my own dogs turning soft.

I decide to go watch some film since we playing the Cowboys tomorrow.

They beat us once they ain't beating us again.

I start watching this film and I realize I also ways go the right instead of the left.

I make a mentally note of that to switch it up on them often.

While watching the film I hear somebody knocking at the door. I already know it is Zaria since she is the only one here.

"Come in" I yell no paying attention to who came in.

Zaria comes ands sits beside me on the couch.

"Baby I'm bout to go pick my grandma up from the airport since they just landed."

"Alright when I'm meet your grandma?" I ask.

"Tomorrow we can go out to eat."

"Aight then." I say "Gimme a kiss before you go."

She leans down kisses me.

"Now you know that wasn't a real kiss but let you go since you got to go pick granny." I say.

"Shut up." She says while walking out.

I couldn't help but think how tomorrow is going to turn out with meeting her grandmother.

Zaria Pov
I arrive at the airport to see my grandma standing beside some man.

"Grandma who is this one of your new toys?" I while hugging her neck.

"Nawl baby this yo father."



I wonder why Zaria's father just shows up now that Zaria is grown and is a high power attorney.

Odell bough grandma tomorrow I don't think he ready for this.

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