Chapter 8: Chip

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I had no idea who was touching me, his breath was slowly running down my neck as I looked at Aby for any clue who this was but she looked like she had seen the devil herself. Eggs were everywhere and I swallowed hard when the person's hands moved down to the side of my hips. I saw Aby's eyes were telling me not to do it but I ignored her and did something I did not regret at all. I pulled from the person's hands and with one swing, my hand connected with the cheek of the boy who had just kissed me. I took a step back, seeing him as he placed a hand on his cheek, a smirk across his lips. That was when a chuckle filled the room and both Aby and I turned our heads to see that it was Mr. Hill, chuckling. He just shook his head as he slid into the chair by the table, snapping his figures at Aby.

"Skyler, get me a drink." He ordered and both Aby and I looked at each other. I could smell the alcohol and Aby spoke up.

"Sir, you're drunk, you need to go back up to your room." She said looking at the boy who still kept his eyes on me, his hair flipped to the left, a nicely shiny black

Mr. Hill looked up, setting his drink down as his drunk mind made him shot Aby a nasty glare. "What did you just say?" He hissed under his breath.

Aby didn't even flinch, she raised her chin and looked at Mr. Hill. "Your drunk." She said strictly back towards him.

That made Mr. Hill stand up, wobbling a little as he took large steps closer and closer to Aby, who didn't flinch. I went to stop him but a pair of hands grabbed each of my elbows and pulled me to where I was pressed against someone's chest. I looked to see that it was the boy, his cold chilling eyes looking down at me as he kept me pressed against his chest, whispering in my ear.

"Don't make him pissed." He said, resting his chin in my hair and I watched as Mr. Hill yelled at Aby, who lowered her head.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, SLAVE!" Mr. Hill yelled, slamming his fist on the table, and that pulled something in me. I brought my leg up and kicked the boy in the knee making him yelp and let go and I quickly yelled at Mr. Hill. I was normally use to seeing my father get drunk back at home and I thought I could do what I do with my father. Mr. Hill turned towards me, his eyes burning with fire.

What he did next went to fast. I heard Aby screaming for Atticus as I felt my body get slammed against something. More yelling. Aby's voice was more hearable then whoever else was yelling and I tried to move but I felt strong wrist squeezing my wrist above my head, Mr. Hill's drunk voice yelling at me.

"Little rat! You're not worth anything!" He yelled and he went to say something else but I heard a loud bang and before I know it, Mr. Hill fell off of me, landing on my left. Atticus standing just behind, a pot in hand, he was breathing hard as he lowered it down, Heath standing in the doorway, jaw dropped.

I was in a daze, not hearing what Atticus was yelling at towards the boy. Heath walked over to Mr. Hill, putting his hands under his armpits, dragged him out will Aby got into my view, checking my forehead and saying something to Atticus who shook his head at me. He mumbled something towards Aby thinking that I wouldn't hear but I did.

"Get her back upstairs. All we can do is pray that Master won't remember this." He said returning his attention to the boy who was looking down at me, something dancing in his eyes.

Aby stood up and looked straight at Atticus. "He's going to kill you, Atticus." She said looking to see that he was looking at the boy. He said something but that was before I blacked out.

I awoke up, my eyes seeing the ceiling above me as I heard shuffling around me. When I turned my head, a nick of pain kicked in and I winced, drawing in someone's attention. I went to saying something but someone hushed me and pressed a cold rag to my forehead, making me move my eyes to see it was Aby. Heath standing behind her, holding a bowl of what I think was water.

"Is she fully awake?" He said looking at Aby who looked at me up and down.

"She's on heavy pain killer so she's a little out of it, Heath." She said turning towards him.

"How about you go down stairs and help Atticus with making early lunch. Okay?" Aby said taking the bowl from his hands and setting it on the counter. Heath lowered his head and gave a slight nod before he left the room.

Aby returned to pressing the cloth on my forehead, before removing it and stick it in the bowl. I felt really numb and light headed making me wonder why I was seeing two Abys, one really blurry.

"Aby?" I managed to groan out, making her spin the chair towards me, resting her free hand on the side of the bed, not saying anything.

"What happened?" I said , Aby's face looking down.

"Master slammed you against the side of the table, you got a nasty cut on the side of your head but your fine." She said giving me a warm smile. I cracked a smile at her.

"Who was that boy-" But someone else cut me off, it was not Aby, because she spun around in the chair towards the entrance.

"Well, that was me, sweet checks." A figure said leaning against the door frame. I saw it was the boy.

"Ayden, leave." Aby said standing up, but I could tell fear run through her voice.

The boy who she had called Ayden just chuckled sweetly, pushing off the wall and walking towards her. He just looked at her, a nasty smile across his face.

"Or what, Aby? And how many times do I need to tell you to call me Chip?" He said, licking his lips, his eyes moving to see me and I looked right back at him. He just laughed.

"You two are like devils, you know?" He said crossing his arms over his chest, and let me tell you, if I wouldn't of felt so dizzy and sick, I would of slapped that smile right off his face.

That pushed Aby, she raised her finger, pressing it against his chest, making him look down at him, just doing a no teeth smile.

"Don't make me tell you again, Chip, I don't care that you're the Master's-" She was cut short from a very loud painful cry from the kitchen.

Without even caring for the boy, she pushed past him and left the room, making Chip look at me, his evil smile towards me as he took a few steps towards me. But I wasn't going to play, reaching out my hand, I grabbed at the bowl, and swung it at him, cold water going everywhere, including him.

"Next time, stay out of the room." I mumbled, pulling myself up to my feet, Chip still looking at me like I had just ripped his heart out, which I probably most likely did, and made my way towards the door.

I made my way down the hall, one hand using the wall as support. I still felt light headed but judging from the cry that had came from the kitchen, I wanted to see what was happening. I got down the stairs, safely before I stepped into the entrance of the kitchen, to see Aby holding Heath's hand in the sink. Heath was grinding his teeth in pain and hitting his foot against the floor as Aby kept his hand forced under the water. I saw Atticus on his knees, cleaning up the hot water that was everywhere, looking up at me, a little surprised.

"You shouldn't be down here." He said standing up and setting the cloth of the counter. I just ignored him as he pulled out a First Aid kit and opening it as Aby pulled out Heath's hand from the water. I saw why Heath had let out such a painful cry.

His whole hand was red, burned from what I was guessing was the hot water. Just as Atticus pulled out a white bandage, a loud bang came from upstairs, making all of us jump a little, Atticus closed his eyes as he mumbled words to himself.

"Help me."

That was when someone yelled loudly, making Aby's face go a little pale as she looked at Atticus who was looking at the entrance. The voice yelling,


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