Chapter 30~ The call for help

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I swear this place was just one large maze. I turned one area and felt like I had started back in the same place. Every machine looked the same, the people all looked the same to me. Man, this was a little harder than I thought. I quickly just kept on following the red carpet, trying my best to not bump into people, or draw any attention towards me for that matter. I always kept on checking over my shoulder, I don't know why but I was just on edge, I was really beginning to believe I was going to be able to get free. That was when a strong hand grabbed at my shoulder and I froze in place. Oh please no. I slowly turned around, by body relaxing to see that it was just a man.

"You lost pretty little thing?" He asked, bending forwards a little, a nasty smile across his lips.

"No, I was just on my way out." I said getting his hand off my shoulder. He raised a eyebrow.

"Sure." He said standing back up straight, his eyes landing on my hair.

"Purple? Nice chose." He said looking at me, his eyes dark.

"Thank you but I must really be going." I said and with that, I was walking away, picking up my speed.

As I walked, I came to a halt, looking at a large brown wall with things pinned to it something catching my eyes. A picture, I stepped closer, my stomach flipping. It was a missing paper, around it, all the other pictures of other missing teens, including Heath's, but the one I was looking at made everything go cold. It was a missing paper of me, but the picture was two people in it, Luke and me. It was the last picture we ever took together before I broke up with him. I wondered why they picked that picture, was it really a picture that my dad thought would bring me home? Shaking my head, I rubbed my eyes before I made my way towards the doors, stopping in front of them and looking at the phone in my hand.

Do I call the cops here or do I wait until I can find some type of hotel?

The hotel part sounding the best, I stepped outside, the wind hitting me hard. Man, I had forgotten how much mother nature liked to act. Looking around, I waved down a cab and it pulled up, and I quickly leaped in, slamming the door shut.

"Where to ma'am?" The man asked, looking back at me.

"Where's the cheapest motel?"

The man rubbed his head for a second before snapping his fingers. "About three miles from here." He said.

"That well do." With that, the driver started cab and we were off in a heartbeat. I glanced down at Sean's phone, not believing that I made it this far. I turned the phone on and the screen light up, and lock screen had a picture of a girl and Sean, strange but okay. When I swiped it to the left, all the apps popped up, each and everyone one of them.

I hadn't even seen that the man had stopped and was glancing back at me, clearing out his throat making me look up at him. We were parked in front of the motel. "Oh." I said reaching into my pocket only for him to stop me.

"No no, you seem like a girl who needs her money for more important things, this cost you nothing." He said and I just gapped.

"But-I-" He just laughed. "It's okay." He said looking at me and I bit my tongue as I got out, closing the door behind me. The cab was off in a matter of minutes and I quickly rushed to the front of the motel, opening the doors.

A women looked up from the desk before she stood up, greeting me with a smile. "How may I help you?" She asked looking at me up and down. " I just need a room for one, on the top level and one that is far from any stairs." I said and she nodded, typing something up on a computer. "Looks like we have one that suits what you asked. Well that be all?" She asked and I nodded. "That well be $15." She said and I quickly handed her the 20 dollars, getting a 5 back. With the key in hand, I dashed over to the room.

When I entered, I quickly closed the door behind me, locking it and placing a chair in front it. I pulled the blinds shut, the room was dark but I turned the lap on just a bit before I stood in the center of the room, looking down at the emergency call button. Taking in a easy breath, I pressed the button and put it to my ear, the ringing taking over.

~Sean's POV~

Sean smiled as the money he had won was handed to him, the lady calling for next as he stepped out of line. $2,000 dollars, sweet momma. He looked down at his watch before looking back up to see if Zane was in view yet. It had been 35 minutes and he remembered how he told her only 20 minutes. Why did they never listen?

"Sean!" A voice shouted making Sean spin around to see Zane pushing through everyone.

"Did you find her?" He asked.

Zane just rubbed the back of his neck. "How much money did you give her?" He asked and Sean tapped his chin. "Around 80 I think, why?" He asked, now worried.

Zane was quite.

"Why?" He demanded.

"She's gone. I talked to a few people and some said they saw a girl with purple hair leaving the building with a phone." Zane said and at the word of phone, Sean's eyes went wide.

He patted himself down, checking his pockets before he cursed, running his hand through his hair. So Chip was right, even though she seemed like she was going to listen, she was going to escape, and now, she had his phone.

"Zane, please tell me you have a phone." He said and Zane reached into his pocket pulling out his phone, giving it right up.

Sean quickly dialed in the only numbers he could think off. when he hit call, he pressed it to his ear and tapped his foot, listening to it as it rang. It could of only rang three times before someone answered it, Sean stopped tapping his foot. Looking up at Zane, he spoke to the person on the other line.

"Chip, we have a problem."

~Skyler's POV~

The phone could of rang only once before the person answer. "This is 911, what is your emergency?" It was a woman and I took a easy breath. You can do this Sky, do it for Izzy.

"Yes, my name is Skyler Oaks." I said as I peeked through the blinds, my heart pounding hard. The line was quiet for a little before a man's voice spoke.

"Skyler Oaks?" He said and I swallowed.

"Yes." My voice broke out as shaky.

"Okay, can you tell us where you are? Have you been hurt at all? Are you with anyone else who was kidnapped?"

I bit my lip. "No, I have no idea where I am, only that I am standing in a motel. Please." I begged, starting to pace around the room.

I waited for them to say something back, but nothing came through, and I pulled the phone away from ear, looking at it. It said I was still talking. I placed it back to my ear, my heart picking up speed.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

That was when a sweet chuckle came through the phone and it send shivers down my spine, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. The person chuckled for a little and I quickly now who it was. I started to sweat, my body shaking as the voice spoke to me.

"Oh, sweet Skyler, you really thought you could run."

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