Chapter 29~ Let's play a game

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"Woohoo!" Sean yelled as he ducked just I throw a pillow at him, it hit the wall and flopped onto the ground. I was a living fire ball.

"What happened to my hair?!" I yelled as Sean slowly stood back up, looking at the pillow that had landed on the ground next to him.

"I'll come back when you're not wanting to kill me." He said taking a large step towards the door but I got him glares that made him laugh and rub the back of his neck with his hand.

He laughed a little. He found this funny? Did he really find this funny? "You have two seconds to tell me why my hair is freaking purple before I throw more than just a pillow." I said and Sean raised a eyebrow, a nasty smile going across his lips.

"I liked you when you were sleeping." He said crossing his arms over his chest and I glared at him.

"Why is my hair purple?"

He laughed.

"This is not funny!"

He just shook his head. "Don't go snapping your jaws at me, it was Alan's idea." He shrugged like I need to forget about it.

"One: Who the crap is Alan? Two: I well hurt you." I snapped back. No one every died my hair purple, no one, unless they wanted their grave so soon.

"One: Alan is the man who owns your pretty little friend Luke. Two: Do you want waffles?" He said smirking. Oh man, he was really asking for it.

Waffles? Did he really just ask me if I wanted waffles?

"Why purple?" I said dryly and he just waved his hand at me.

"It's not going to kill you okay?" He said.

That was when I noticed that his hair was little messy, sticking up in every direction and I had to hold back a laugh seeing that his hair was like that. He looked at me with a confused face before he shrugged it off and held the door open.

"Those waffles are calling your name." He said and as I walked past, I send my foot down hard onto his foot making him let out a squeak and hop on one foot.

"That's for my hair." I called back as I walked into the kitchen.

At first sight, I know that we were in some type of hotel, just because how small the place was. When I looked around the tiny room, I noticing the tiny table pressed closed the counter, the seats of the chair that looked like a ugly pink. I needed to start planning my escape, which I needed to get close with Sean, so he could trust me. I gagged at the thought of acting like I liked him.

After taking a scan over the room, I notice a set of waffles, setting on a white plate, sitting on top of each like they were just ready to be entered into my hungry jaws. Shaking my head, I walked over to the waffles and took one into my hand. Moving it slowly towards my mouth, I stopped, remembering the drink.

I was not going to fall for that again.

I moved my eyes over to see Sean walking in, he looked at me and just shook his head. Was it just me or did he sometimes act like a 7 year old?

"You and you're feet." He said stopping in front of me, the counter keeping us apart. He then saw that I hadn't eaten the waffle. "Not hungry?"

He asked raising his eyebrows once again.

I just snorted. "Ya, sure." I said setting the waffle down.

Don't eat. It can be one of his drug tricks again.

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