Chapter 34: Sirens

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I didn't know if I was getting car sick or what because the next time when I woke up, my stomach felt like it was going to explode. I let out a few moans and pulled myself into a ball the best I could, closing my eyes to see if that would help settle down my stomach, but it didn't and before I know it, I was throwing up. Sean looked back, his eyes going wide and he yelled for Zane to pull over will he climbed to the back, quickly pulling the gag from my mouth. My body began to shake in violent shivers as he pulled me into his lap, pressing his cold palm to my forehead.

"Zane, call Chip." He said as he brushed my hair from my face, grabbing a beg and getting ready just in case my stomach had one more plan.

I would of struggled and tried to get out of his grip but I felt sick, sick to where I didn't even care that this monster was touching me. I was in too much pain to care.

"Put him on speaker." Sean said shouting to Zane and I just closed my eyes, trying to control the shivers.

"What's the problem?" Chip's voice came through the phone as Zane handed it to Sean who took it. "It's Sky-" I got him off be throwing up, right on him. Sean just blinked before he set the phone off to the side. Chip must of heard it. "How bad?" He asked. "Her temperature is bouncing back and forth." Sean said as he took of his jacket, sliding it across my body.

Chip was silent for a little. "How far out are you?" He asked.

Sean looked over at the clock on the car. "Maybe a hour or less."

"Alright, I'll meet you guys when you get here." Chip said.

Sean and Chip talked a little before Sean hung up and told Zane to start driving. Zane did and Sean stayed in the back with me, making sure I didn't let anymore out, I had no idea if my body was fighting against a bug or what but I felt sick, I was letting more sweat off then I should and my body was in a wave of pain, my head pounding. I let out a whimper and Sean pulled me close to him, his body heat making me relax a little. Zane was driving fast, I could only tell because when we went over bumps, my body was sent a little high. White spots had slowly started to form in the corners of my eyes and I know I was going to black out so I let the tears slip. After a few tears were let lose, the white spots seemed to be getting large and I let out another whimper before the white spots took over and all I could hear was ringing in my ears.

I slowly woke up. I felt like I was just a bit dead, but when I opened my eyes, I saw I was back in the room, Chip's room, but the TV was off and the only light was coming from the windows. I slowly sat up, pressing my hand to my face. I could barely remember anything. When I moved my right leg, I felt a tug on it and I lifted up the covers to see that a chain was locked around my ankle. If I wouldn't of felt so light headed, I would of cared but right now, I didn't and I rested back up against the bed, pressing my face into my palms. I removed one of my hands when I heard some voices getting close, I looked at the doorknob as it moved slight back and forth before it was opened. I quickly saw that Chip, and Sean entered but when I saw someone else enter behind them, I looked at them in confusion. Someone cleared their throat and I just placed my hands over my face.

"Who's name did you give them?" Chip's voice broke out, echoing inside my head thousand times.

I stayed muted, keeping my hands placed over my face.

It was silent before I heard Sean speak. "Look Skyler, give us the name and we won't hurt any of your friends." That part got to me, but I kept my mouth shut, not believing a word.

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