Chapter 35~ Suspect is down

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Chip's soft snore came to a slow stop as he slow woke up to the sirens that was making me trying to get out of his arm. He slowly sat up and pulled the covers off as he slowly made his way towards the window, rubbing his eyes. He lifted up a blind and it seemed like everything froze as the window was slowly lit up with red and blue. Chip cursed before he pulled away from the window, getting over the dresser where he started to throw out the clothes out.

Is this really happening? Did they really find us?

The sirens grow louder and when I looked back at Chip, I gapped when I saw what he had pulled out. A silver gun was being held between his fingers, he checked it before he loaded it, walking over to the door and opening it. Just as he opened it, Sean was standing right by the door, his hand in mid air like he was going to knock on it.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one hearing those." Sean said.

Chip just shook his head. "They found us, lock all the servants in the cages, tie and gag the boys just in case." Chip said and Sean nodded before he went racing down the stairs.

I looked back as Chip came walking towards me. His eyes were dark and as he got closer, I tried to get to the other side of the bed but that didn't work thanks to the chain that was connected to my ankle. Chip had his arm reached out toward me when he spun around as a loud crashing noise came from down stairs.

"On the ground! On the ground now!" Voices shouted and I smiled. Was it really the cops?

Chip made his way over to the door were he quietly closed it, keeping his gun pointed towards the door, he got over to me and before I could even let out a squeak, he had his hand over my mouth, his cold dark eyes meeting with mine. He looked mad. Lowering his gun for just a second, he grabbed my elbow and pulled my in front of him, one arm staying locked around my arm will the other held the gun to my head. He was going to use me as a shield.

"Chip, ple-" I begged but he cut me off.

"Shut up." He demanded and I that made me clap my mouth shut. I would of put up a fight but he a gun that I didn't even know if he would use it. I jumped when a few loud bangs went off. It felt like Chip was shaking more then I was.

"Check every room!" A voice shouted and I soon heard heavy feet going up the stairs.

Chip pulled my back a few steps but he then looked down seeing that I couldn't go any further due to the chain. I needed to talk him out of this before one of us ended up on the ground.

"Chip, please, if you just give yourself up, I'm sure that they won't be as aggressive, please." I begged as more loud noises of things being broke open took place. Soon, shouting took up again.

"On the ground! On the ground now!"

They were getting closer.

"Crap.." Chip said as he put a harder grip on my elbow.

Everything went quiet for a little before I saw light take place under the door. Chip's breath seemed to go faster. I just looked at the door and watched as it was pushed open, a few bright lights landing on where Chip was holding me. "Stand down!" A man's voice yelled. I was really hoping that Chip would listen but of course, he didn't.

"Boy, lower your gun!" The man's voice yelled once again and I felt Chip press the gun against my hair. I broke out into a sweat.

Chip still kept silent.

I had to narrow my eyes to see who was standing all by the door and I froze in fear, it was more than just the FBI, there was SWAT all behind the door, their guns pointed straight towards me.

"Please Chip.." I said trying to lower my heart rate.

"Tell them." He said, his voice shaky.

"Tell them what?" I said looking back at the bright flashlights.

"That I'm innocent." He hissed back.

That made me fight to hold back a laugh. He really thought he was innocent? Really?

"Chip, you're going mad, just set the gun down." I said.

The officer yelled again. "Put the gun down, you surrounded."

That was when it hit me, this wasn't about taking us, Chip was trying to tell us something and I think I know what he meant.

"This is about your mom, isn't it?" I said it loud so that maybe the officers could hear, maybe this was what Chip was trying to solve.

Chip didn't answers, instead, he loosed his grip and with one push, he pushed me to the side and my body slammed against the ground. Just as I turned my head, I saw Chip's figure point the gun toward the police and I screamed out as gun shoots filled the house. My mouth hung open as I watched the sliver gun fell from Chip's grip, he stood there for a second before he fell backward, his body making a loud thump as it connected with the floor. I covered my mouth as I tried to pull away as far as I could from him. Two holes were now in his body, one right in his left shoulder and the other to the side of his chest. His shirt starting to become wet with blood. I don't know what overcome me but I started crying. I don't know if it was because I was happy because I was finally free or because of Chip. Officers started hurrying into the room. Four running over to Chip who I thought for sure was dead, will some came rushing over to me.

"Skyler Oaks?" One asked as he knelt down next to me. I just shook my head. I looked at him with tear filled eyes as he grabbed at his walkie talkie.

"We have found the missing teens, I repeat, the missing teens have been found." He said before he let go out of the walkie talkie and started helping another officer with getting the chain off my leg.

After they got it off, the one officer lifted me up into his arms and just as he got close to the door, a officer yelled from behind us. "I have a pulse!" I glanced past his shoulder seeing that two officers had towels pressed onto Chip's wounds will another had their fingers pressed against his neck. They then grabbed at their walkie talkie and spoke into it.

"I need a bus here. Suspect is down. I repeat, I need a pulse. Suspect is down." They said before letting go of the button and making sure they still had his pulse.

The officer walked me out of the room and made his way towards the stairs where another horrible scene waited.

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