Chapter 24: The Chase

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Heath's POV

Heath sat leaning against the barn wall, glaring at the stable door that kept him locked in the small stale. He was being treated like a animal, food and water was brought to him twice a day but that was all, they didn't unlock the door and let him out, nothing. They kept him locked in the horse stale like the others. He ran his hands through his hair, he was going to plan his escape and Atticus had spent the last hour warning him on what they would do to him if they got him, again.

"Heath, they're not going to take it easy on you." Atticus had said for the thousand time from the stale next to Heath. Heath growled and kicked at the wall, getting a chuckle from Atticus.

"I know that!" He yelled.

Atticus went back to being serious. "Listen Heath, I know who and who wouldn't have a gun on them when they case you, I'm telling you, I can't even tell you if they well finish you." Heath just listened until someone spoke up.

"Can you both please be quiet........" The voice said tiredly and Heath narrowed his eyes.

"Door boy?" He said standing up and walking over the stale door, pressing his face against the chicken wire.

"It's Colton, and yes." The boy said and Heath couldn't put his finger on where he was at.

Before Heath could say anything back, he heard a door being opened and he smiled.

It was time.

Heath took a step back and crouched just under the door so Tobias, the one who normally checked on them and gave them food, wouldn't be able to see him. He could hear the sound of shoes walking on the cement getting louder. He was getting close. That was when he looked at the door move back and forth a little meaning Tobias was unlocking it, getting ready to stand up, he watched as the door slowly started to open, and with that, Heath got up, and with one kick, the door went flying against Tobias and Heath watched as his body hit the ground, hard. Heath placed his palms on the door and pushed it slight, it opened.

It had worked.

Heath pushed the door open all the way and stepped out, looking down at Tobias's unconscious body on the ground. A small cut on his forehead, the food he was going to give to Heath now all over the floor.

"Sorry about that mate, nothing personal." Heath said stepping over his body, looking to see Joseph stepping up to the door to his stale, looking to see Tobias out.

"Nice." He said, smiling.

Atticus then spoke up, making Heath spine around. "Got now Heath, try to get far before they find out you're gone, and get help." Atticus said and he slowly nodded.

Heath went rushing towards the open doors but stopped just before he stepped out, turning around. "I promise I'll get help." He said and with that, he was running out into the maze of woods, not daring to look back.

Heath had been running for a good time now, and when he thought the masters still hadn't found out about his escape, Heath's ears were hit with a loud bang and before he know it, something went ripping through his shoulder, making him cry out. He placed his hand on his shoulder as he stumbled forward. His ears were still ringing and when he pulled his hand back to see what was on it, he saw red. His heart started pick up speed. That was when more gun shots went off, the bullets hitting the ground next to his feet making him jump out of the way.

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