Chapter 36~ You'll remember soon

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As I was taken downstairs, and I was not ready for the smell of blood as it went up my nose. The officer walked me over to a chair and sat me down.

"Just stay there will a ambulance comes." He said and I slowly nodded, looking past him as he walked away.

Just feet away from me was someone's body on the ground, a black cover thrown over it, hiding whoever it was that was dead. I then heard someone laugh lightly making me look up to see no other then Tobias patting himself down. "I know I have it in here somewhere." He said as he looked through his jacket pockets. The officer was just taping his foot. "Remind me to not leave any keys with you." Keys? What was going on? Should Tobias be in handcuffs or something... "Ah, here they are." He said pulling out a set of keys and handing them over. The officer just said thanks and walked over to the set of closet doors that led to the cages down stairs. I was pulled out of my thought when someone said my name. I looked up seeing it was Tobias who was walking towards me.

"You okay?" He asked as he got closer and I just looked at him. Why the living heck was he not in cuffs? He must of read my thought or something because he let out a 'oh' and looked down at his hands.

"I-um-how do I put this?" He said sitting down next to me.

"I guess you could say I'm a undercover person." He said rubbing his forehead.

"But-but-your dad is a-" He just smiled.

"Ya, he's a slave owner. He just doesn't know that his son, me, turned myself in a few years back and that I'm basically helping the cops."

He said giving me a wide grin.

I was still confused. But kinda understanding what he met, he looked at the figure on the ground. "Who is that?" I asked looked at Tobias who looked over at the figure.

"Forest. He went to kill one of the cops and I shot him." He said looking down at his shirt and I saw what he was looking at, blood splatter.

That was when my attention was snapped towards the broken front door as four paramedics came rushing in with a structure and they all quickly went racing up the stairs with it. I could feel someone's eyes on me and it made me turn my head to see Sean, sitting cross-legged on the ground with a bloody nose. He looked mad. When I looked back at the figure, taking Tobias word that it was Forest, I looked down at my shaking hands, Chip's words repeating in my head before he got shot.

I'm innocent.

What did he mean by innocent? Was he framed or something? Shaking my head, I looked up as someone called my name, strong arms wrapping around me and pulling me into a hug.

"Your okay." It was Luke and he had dirt all over his face and hands and I squeaked out his name. "Luke, squeezing-breath." I said as I looked over to see Will helping what looked like Heath up the stairs who was limping and holding his one arm that he got shot in a strange why. Luke let me go and he was about to say something when everyone looked towards the stairs to see the paramedics bring the structure down the stairs, a pale Chip strapped tightly onto it.

They had taken off his shirt and wrapped up his wounds real quick just with some white bandages that were already being bled through. His arms were cuffed tightly in front of him, one strap running across his cuffed hands that kept them pinned to his stomach. Two officers followed behind and I could only watch as they rushed him out of the house. I lowered my gaze down towards the floor. I felt like he was going to shot me, he could of, he had the perfect chance to kill me but yet, he got himself shot, was he trying to tell me that he was innocent by getting shot? I rubbed my head and looked over as a officer pulled Sean to his feet and patted him down will two officers brought Mason and the man known as Alan from upstairs. Mason just kept his head low as the officer walked him outside, Alan on the other hand didn't really go much without sharing a few words.

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