Chapter 1

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Danny's pov
It was a rainy day outside as I was staring out the window of a taxi. We were driving down the streets of New York. Man, New York looks interesting. Way more interesting than Amity Park in my opinion.

It was also a cold day. It was a good thing the taxi driver turned on the heater. If he didn't, I would be freezing.

"So where do you want me to drop you off, sonny?" He asked me as he looked at me through his rear view mirror. This taxi driver isn't the rude type. He was more of a kind type that actually enjoyed his job.

"Could you drop me off to the nearest Starbucks?" I asked politely. He nodded and smiled at me.

In 20 minutes or more, we were there. I paid him and I walked into Starbucks. I had my hood up so that I wouldn't get as wet.

I ordered something and sat besides a window, waiting for my drink. It was a decent sized Starbuck though it was still crowded because there was a lot of people in here. I figured they came here brcause it was raining and they had no umbrellas. Either that or they wanted Starbucks.

I was on my phone texting my two best friends Sam and Tucker. They wanted to come along with me on my New York trip but they had other plans with their families.

I'm still surprised that my parents me go. It was easy convincing my dad but my mom was a bit of a challenge.

What am I doing here you ask?

Well, I just came here to clear my mind from school and the ghost fighting. Turning 16 was hard. Everything started to change. It was like a walk in the park then suddenly 3 pianos came crashing down on you.

"Coffee for Danny!" The Staff called. I got up to get my drink.

I didn't have a lot on my mind. I don't know. I guess I just zoned out because by the time I realized, my coffee was on the ground and some got on me.

Everyone around us was silent for only a few seconds.

I looked up to see who I had bumped in to. It was another teenager about my age. We were pretty much the same height too so it was easy to see eye to eye. He had sea green eyes that almost resembles a seal's. Black messy hair and believe me when I say he must have styled it to make it look perfectly messy. A bit tanned and a little fit, I could tell all that much because he was wearing a blue hoodie. I can also vaguely see a beaded necklace. A goofy smile spread across his face.

"Hey stranger. What was going through your mind?" He asked.

I was hesitant to answer him. I was afraid he would yell at me but this guy had a smile on his face and he didn't sound mad. "I guess I sorta zoned out. I'm sorry for spilling my drink on you..." I apologized but my words faded towards the end.

I looked at his hoodie and there were no stains on him. Not a single drop. He seem to notice me staring a second too long at his clothes so he cleared his throat and chuckled.

"You hit my elbow before your drink fell." He said. "Do you want me to buy you another one?" He offered.

Okay, so I'm new here and I don't know anyone. I only have enough money for my own. And I certainly don't wanna be looking like a greedy teen for a chance of a free drink.

I politely denied his offer but he keeps insisting.

There is no way we were gonna stand in line bickering like this so I just accepted.

"Great! You can go sit while I get our coffee." He said with a smile.

This kid was way too friendly.

"Coffee for Percy!" The staff called.

I was on my phone texting Tucker.
He was telling me how he and his parents found a really good barbeque restaurant and he ate like a pig.

"Here you go." The teen handed me my coffee. "Since we've sorta talked, we should know each other's name." He said. "I'm Percy. Percy Jackson."

"I'm Danny. Danny Fenton." We shook hands. "Nice to meet you. Although that was an interesting way of meeting someone." I chuckled.

"Nice to meet you too and yeah. That was interesting." Percy snickered. "So are you from around here?"

"Oh no. I'm new to New York. Just arrived today."

Percy's mouth formed a perfect circle and he let out a respectful amout of 'ooooooo's'. He asked where I was from and so I told him a bit about my family and friends.

He also shared some of his life with me.

Apparently he would go to this summer camp every summer.

"So are you going to this camp this summer?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Yeah, I was gonna leave two days from now. And you? Do you have anywhere to live?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I was gonna check in to a hotel near here but I'm not sure if it's gonna be affordable or not for me."

"You could spend the night or two in my place with my mom and my step dad." He offered yet again.

Now this is too much. Coffee, sure. But living with a person I barely know. This was risky. How could he be so nice to me.

"Are you sure that's fine? I mean I don't wanna be a bother."

He stopped me. "It's fine. Now let's go. It's getting way too crowded in here."

I had no choice but to accept this offer too. He headed out but it was still raining.

Percy called a cab and we were off to his apartment.

Lost Son Of The Sea God (A Danny Phantom And Percy Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now